2005-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/697040摘要:臺灣豐富的森林資源中蘊藏著許多醫療與保健功能的天然物,而由植物萃取具有生物活性及保健醫療等功效之成分,為近年來天然物研究的重要發展方向之一,因此,開發與利用本土樹種的特殊天然物,實為林產利用的重要課題。烏心石為臺灣本土的原生樹種,屬於闊葉樹一級木,亦為台灣闊葉五木之一,烏心石木材具有良好的耐腐朽性,同時也是抗病蟲害能力強的鄉土樹種。本研究計畫之目的為萃取與分離烏心石的抽出成分,評估烏心石抽出成分對於病媒蚊以及室塵蟎的抑制效果,續將烏心石抽出成分加以分離,篩選具有殺蟲活性的分離部,進一步純化與鑑定具有抗病媒蚊或抗蟎活性的化合物,並分析這些活性抽出成分對於病媒蚊以及室塵蟎生長之影響,以瞭解烏心石抽出成分的作用機制。因此,本計畫若能順利執行完成,將可了解烏心石萃取物的抗病媒蚊與抗蟎活性,並使具有殺蟲活性的天然成分應用於環境衛生之用途,發展天然的環境衛生用藥,取代具有環境蓄積性的化學合成殺蟲劑,達到病媒蚊控制與清除室塵蟎過敏原等目的,將可以發揮林木天然成分應用於環境衛生之病媒管制與居家環境健康的功能。<br> Abstract: The abundant forest resources in Taiwan contain plenty of natural products with medicinal or healthy functions. Extraction of natural compounds having specific bioactivies and/or medicinal properties from plants is one of the important developments of natural products researches. Many natural products existed in the endemic plants are of great potential as bioactive agents or pharmaceuticals. Researches and developments in natural products from native plants in Taiwan are worthy to further exploration. Michelia formosana is a native plant, the first class of hardwoods and also one of the five precious hardwoods in Taiwan. The antifungal activity of M. formosana wood is commendable. In addition, M. formosana tree possesses the efficacy against pest insects and pathogenic fungi. Therefore, the objectives of this project are to evaluate the mosquitocidal and acaricidal activities of M. formosana extracts and isolate compounds possessed these two activities from M. formosana. The extracts are separated into several subfractions by liquid-liquid partitions, and every subfractions collected are under the examination for bioactivity. The pure compounds existed in the subfractions are finally isolated by chromatographic techniques and identified by modern spectroscopic analyses. Identified compounds are also examined with assays to confirm their mosquitocidal and acaricidal activities. The influences of extractives on pesticides of mosquito larvae and dust mites are analyzed and the mechanisms of inhibition actions are also investigated. Through this research, it is expected that mosquitocidal and acaricidal compounds isolated from M. formosana be of great potential as natural environmental pesticides. This work would be helpful to provide the utilization of forest products for environmentally friendly pesticides.烏心石抽出成分環境衛生抗病媒蚊活性抗蟎活性Michelia formosanaextractivesenvironmental healthmosquitocidal activityacaricidal activity烏心石抗病媒蚊與抗蹣活性成分之研究(2/2)