國立臺灣大學應用力學研究所陳發林2006-07-262018-06-292006-07-262018-06-292004-12-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/21720熱流-能源學門這三年共推動了下列各 項工作: (1) 推動潔淨能源方面之研究 (2) 推動燃料電池方面之研究 (3) 學門研究成果發表會 (4) 年度學門研究重點規劃 等等事工,其詳細規劃及推動內容已 另寫成專案報告書,存於國科會備查 或公告於學門網頁或寄給學門所屬教 授們。主要內容供本年度學門推動計 畫結案參考。Thermal-Fluid-Energy (TFE) Program of NSC-Engineering-Department has finished the following projects within the fiscal year of 2002: (1) Call for proposal for clean energy research. (2) Call for proposal for fuel cell research. (2) Research results presentation of fuel cell research. (4) Research topics to be promoted in next year. All the details of projects had been written into reports saving in NSC as documentation to be referred to, and some of them are posted on the homepage of TFE program and some of them had sent to the professors who had ever applied for the research funding from TFE program.application/pdf34332 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學應用力學研究所機械熱流、能源學門研究發展暨推動小組(3/3)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/21720/1/922217E002001.pdf