2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714821Missions The Graduate Institute of Oncology (GIO) was founded in December 2008 as part of the National Taiwan University College of Medicine. GIO is dedicated to performing high-impact basic and clinical researches focusing on the fundamental mechanisms in cellular and molecular pathways which lead to the human cancers, and providing students with the highest-quality training in diverse areas of cancer researches. Objectives The faculty of GIO is committed to excellent teaching, research, and services. Our educational program is designated to provide in-depth training with a wide spectrum of knowledge derived from research in the disease mechanisms, prevention, and treatment of cancers. The aim of GIO curriculum is to assure that our students do have the sufficient knowledge, technology, and critical thinking to carry out future stateofart cancer researches. Scopes of Academic Research Basic cancer research, Translational cancer research, Cancer imaging, and radiooncology research Cancer epidemiology research, Bioinformatics research in oncology, Psychooncology, sociology, and medical economics research in oncology Perspectives The systemic, multidisciplinary training in oncology should allow our students to successfully develop their careers in biomedical science. Our innovation-oriented research has important contributions in the conceptual framework of targeted therapy of cancers. We believe that future progress will rely on the pivotal translational research in oncology leading to further outcome improvements for cancer patients.臺灣大學醫學院腫瘤醫學研究所於民國97年奉教育部核准設立,自98學年度起開始招生, 招收對象為博士班學生。本所博士班招收對跨領域整合有興趣之理工醫農碩士班畢業生以及對腫瘤研究有興趣之相關臨床醫師,以第一流之師資搭配開放、跨領域團隊之課程及環境,以培養頂尖之腫瘤醫學研究人才 。OncologyAcademic Institute