國立臺灣大學中國文學系博士Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Chinese literature, National Taiwan University.陳孟君Chen, M.C.M.C.Chen2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292015-03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282341本文第一部份說明唯有討論董啟章在自然史三部曲之前的小說,才能暸解其創作初衷與延續迄今的議題。第二部份分析英殖民神話的論述策略,包括物種與文明、海洋殖民與考古人類學、命名與權力。董啟章小說採取以文化詮釋為本質的偽考古人類學,為殖民神話的論述策略另啟假設與概念,賦予考古學以新議題,翻轉殖民地被詮釋的位階,以期提煉香港在回歸前後的地圖想像、地方屬性與歷史起源。尤其,面對九七回歸中國版圖的領屬權,董啟章小說指出更迫切的是,如何回歸香港∕回家,怎樣以圓形時間回溯歷史起源,進而揭櫫複雜的時間形式與歷史巨網。循此,第三部份剖析董啟章「故事新編」撈泥造陸的洪水神話,輔以內在英雄的歷險歸家,尋找精神新生的起源價值。此乃體現世界性的神話思維,旨在揭示歷史想像中虛構性的內涵與癥結,反撥殖民神話或當權者的世界觀。即以「家」,思索歷史起源,有別於殖民神話以「他者化」的商業繁華與線性時間定調港史起源,但混雜的香港性難以割捨殖民者造就的城市商業。對此,董啟章對香港文學作出深刻的期許:以圖書館與廣場的互為投影,強調文學應關注歷史、商業、大眾文化等公共議題,此乃新釋洪水造陸神話的啟示。這既賦予文學虛構新視野,更一改標榜填海造陸與商業發展的殖民神話所暗藏的虛構性。This paper proceeds in three parts. The first part investigates Dong Qi-Zhang’s novels written before the publication of his Trilogy of Natural History, and thereby explores his original writing intentions and primary concerns to date. The second part elaborates on the writing strategies of British colonial myths, which includes naming rights, species, civilizations, maritime colonization, and paleoanthropology. With pseudo-paleoanthropology that features cultural interpretation, Dong not only formulates new hypotheses and concepts on these writing strategies but also raises new archaeological issues. By enhancing the inferior status of the colony, he highlights geographical imagination, local attributes, and historical origins of Hong Kong around the transfer of its sovereignty. Dong’s novels indicate how to return to Hong Kong/home, how to trace its origin along a circular timing axis, and how to uncover the complex form of time and the intricate web of history. The third part of this paper analyzes Dong’s new interpretation of the flood myth in which lands are created with mud, and demonstrates the intrinsic value of spiritual rebirth with the hero’s return from his adventures. Dong’s novels embody a universal thinking of myths, reveal the essence and crux of the fiction embedded in historical imagination, and oppose the worldview of colonial myths and power holders. He starts to trace Hong Kong’s origins with the concept of “home,” and this is distinct from the colonial myth that constructs Hong Kong’s history on the basis of a linear timing axis and the economic prosperity brought by others. Since the mixed heritage of Hong Kong tightly connects with the commercial system developed by the colonists, Dong’s novels reflect his lofty expectations for the future of Hong Kong’s literature. Through the mutual reflection of the library and the square in his novels, Dong argues that literature should raise the issues of history, commerce, and popular culture. His interpretation of the land creation myth opens up new fictional horizons for the field of literature and challenges the fiction behind the colonial myth that links Hong Kong’s commercial development to the conduct of creating land out of mud.1727017 bytesapplication/pdf地圖、虛構、神話、考古人類學、歷史想像(map, fabrication, myth, paleoanthropology, historical imagination)地圖、神話與(偽)考古人類學:論董啟章小說想像城市歷史的路徑Maps, Myths and (Pseudo-) Paleoanthropology: The Path to the History of the Imaginary City in Dong Qi-Zhang’s Worksjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282341/1/0048_201503_5.pdf