鄭伯壎臺灣大學:心理學研究所裘鎮寧CHIOU, CHENG-NINGCHENG-NINGCHIOU2007-11-272018-06-282007-11-272018-06-282004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/55881過去在測量組織文化與員工個人價值觀的契合時,所使用的差距契合度指標往往僅考慮到有關差距大小的影響,並未將造成差距的成因,以及員工對於價值觀的重視程度納入考量。因此本研究將試圖以絕對差和指標為基礎,進一步的區分出雙方重視型契合、雙方不重視型契合、員工重視型不契合、組織重視型不契合此四種契合度指標,並以工作滿意度、離職意願、情感性承諾、工具性承諾,以及組織公民行為當成效標變項,來分析出上述四項契合度指標,是否會在這些效標變項上產生不同的效果。並從上述的結果之中,瞭解到差距的成因,以及員工對於價值觀的重視程度,是否會對價值觀契合度的效果造成影響。研究結果顯示,雙方重視型契合與工作滿意度、離職意願、情感性承諾,以及工具性承諾四項效標變項的相關,明顯的高於雙方不重視型契合與此四項效標變項的相關;而在組織公民行為方面,兩項指標分屬不同向的相關。員工重視型不契合與工作滿意度、離職意願、情感性承諾,以及工具性承諾四項效標變項的相關,亦明顯的高於組織重視型不契合與此兩項效標變項的相關;而在組織公民行為方面,則是組織重視型不契合有著較強的相關。此外,當排除絕對差和指標的影響力之後,雙方重視型契合、雙方不重視型契合,以及員工重視型不契合、組織重視型不契合兩組指標仍會有其獨特的解釋力。由上述的研究結果可知,差距的成因以及員工對於價值觀的重視程度,的確會對價值觀契合度的效果造成影響。Traditionally, we used to access difference scores fit indices to measure the fitness of organizational culture value and employee’s personal value. However, this type of fit index only concern about the extent of value differences, the cause of the differences and employee’s emphasis of values are neglect. One primary purpose of this study is to reconstruct traditional difference scores fit indices in order to highlight the significance of cause differences and employee’s emphasis of values. Four kinds of fit indices including P-O fit (ratio of values which employee and organization both are highly emphasizing), p-o fit (ratio of values which employee and organization both are lowly emphasizing), P-o unfit (ratio of values which employee are more emphasizing than organization), and p-O unfit (ratio of values which organization are more emphasizing than employee), was developed based on absolute difference index. This study also includes five employee outcome variables for clarifying the utility of the newly developed fit indices including job satisfaction, turnover intention, affective commitment, continuance commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. The main findings of the study indicated that the association between P-O fit and job satisfaction, turnover intention, affective commitment, and continuance commitment is significantly stronger than the association between p-o fit and those outcome variables; and the correlation of these two fit indices with organizational citizenship behavior is contrariwise. The association between P-o unfit and job satisfaction, turnover intention, affective commitment, and continuance commitment is also significantly stronger than p-O unfit with those criterion variables; but the correlation of p-O unfit with organizational citizenship behavior is significantly stronger than P-o unfit. Furthermore, when we control the effect of absolute difference index, two pairs of fit indices including P-O fit, p-o fit, and P-o unfit, p-O unfit still has significant effect. The result suggests that the cause of differences and employee’s emphasis of values will affect the effect of value fit.目次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧 3 第三節 研究缺口 17 第四節 契合度指標的形成 19 第五節 創新契合指標的意義 24 第六節 契合指標與效標變項之關連 及相關研究假設 27 第七節 研究目的與研究假設小結 36 第二章 研究方法 41 第一節 研究樣本 41 第二節 研究工具 43 第三節 價值觀契合度指標之形成 50 第四節 研究步驟與資料分析 52 第三章 研究結果 55 第一節 研究變項之相關分析 55 第二節 相關係數差異檢定結果 61 第三節 區段迴歸分析結果 63 第四章 討論與建議 75 第一節 分析結果討論 75 第二節 研究限制 82 第三節 未來研究方向 84 第四節 管理實務上的意涵 86 參考文獻 89 附錄一 本研究使用之各量表 95en-US工作滿意度契合度指標組織公民行為價值觀契合離職意願情感性承諾工具性承諾差距契合度指標organizational citizenship behaviordifference scores fit indicesvalue fitcontinuance commitmentjob satisfactionturnover intentionaffective commitmentfit indices組織文化與個人效能: 差距契合度指標的再精緻化Organizational Culture Values and Employee Effectiveness: Elaborate the Difference Scores Fit Indicesother