2020-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/677765因新冠疫情關係,許多臨床單位無法提供學生實習,既使可以實體實習,同學至各實習單位所學習之病例個案也不盡相同,如何讓同學學習到各實習單位的不同臨床個案,對臨床實習課程是一大挑戰,故本計畫目標為: 第一目標為:建立符合本課程需求之病例個案數位教材標準製作流程,翻轉實習教室,整合臨床單位所提供之臨床個案的影片及相關病歷資訊,以提升教學的成效。第二目標為:利用虛擬實境技術呈現建立之病例個案數位教材,讓學生能有置身在臨床場域現場的環境中,從360度環景各個角度來觀看臨床病例個案的動作、與臨床老師治療病人過程的手法與技巧,以達到最佳之學習效果。本計畫之教學法使用翻轉學習(Flipped Learning)、問題導向教學 (Problem-Based Learning, PBL)、遊戲式學習(Game-Based Learning)以及行動學習 (Action Learning),並採用教學行動研究的精神以「計劃、行動、觀察、反省」的主要架構來進行研究,評量的方式為觀察問卷分析。此計畫成果使學生透過遠端觀看360度環景影片,達到虛擬實習之目的,即便新型冠狀病毒疫情肆虐,學習權利不再受環境影響。 The problems that students encounter from each internship unit are not the same. How to let students learn different clinical cases in each internship unit is a big challenge for the clinical internship course. Thus, the two goals of this project were: The first goal of this project was to establish a standard operation protocol for the digital teaching material production process that meets the needs of this course, and flip the internship classroom so that students can preview the clinical case videos and related medical record information provided by different clinical units, and then discuss. The second goal of this project was to use the virtual reality technology to present the established clinical case digital teaching materials so that students can study in the environment of the clinical field, watch the clinical cases from 360 degrees, and watch the movement of the clinical cases and treatment techniques of clinical instructors to achieve the best learning results. The teaching method such as Flipped Learning, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Game-Based Learning, and Action Learning was used in this project. The spirit of teaching action research will be studied in the main framework of "planning, action, observation, and reflection". In the course of the research, the methods carried out include observation, questionnaire, website, text analysis. The results of this project enabled the six-year trained physiotherapy students to become an indispensable part of the medical team's whole-person care and in-depth community and life.翻轉物理治療實習(II)-臨床病例數位化與虛擬實境之應用=Flipped learning in Physical Therapy Practice- Digital clinical cases and application of virtual reality