2021-08-012024-09-30https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/721634由於科技的進展以及非侵入式檢查的特性,照護地點即時超音波(Point-of-Care Ultrasound, PoCUS)的應用日益廣泛,醫學生學習PoCUS的動機與需求大量增加。然而,傳統的專科超音波訓練模式已經無法因應PoCUS教學的需求,且傳統的訓練模式並無法確保訓練之系統性與完整性,目前需要更多的師資投入以因應迅速增加的學習訓練需求。 本計畫之主題為「照護地點即時超音波教學典範轉移」,透過在醫學系臨床課程中導入PoCUS教育訓練,進行實驗性之研究,研究目的包括: 1. 導入i-AIM (Indications, Acquisition, Interpretation, and Management integration)架構於PoCUS訓練與評估中,並探討學員之反應。 2.規劃實行同儕教學(Near-peer Teaching, NPT)模式,並驗證其成效。雖然研究成果尚待更多的樣本數來驗證其顯著性,本計畫教學成果對PoCUS的教育訓練將帶來根本性的典範轉移,包括訓練的模組、訓練的架構、訓練的形式、師資的培育等各面向提供具實證性及實務經驗的參考依據。架構化的PoCUS訓練模組是有效的訓練及評估模式,同儕教學需要有更完整的師資培訓並收集更多的樣本數來驗證其成效。Application of point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS) is getting more and more popular due to advance of technology and the non-invasiveness of the procedure. Motivation and learning needs of PoCUS training from medical students are increasing significantly. However, traditional specialty-specific ultrasound training has not been suitable to adopt for PoCUS training. Besides, traditional training modalities cannot assure the comprehensiveness and quality of training. Much more faculty for PoCUS training are required to meet the rapidly increasing learning needs. This topic of this project is “Paradigm Shift of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) Education”. Formal PoCUS curriculum will be conducted into clinical training of medical students. An experimental study design was performed to explore: 1. the effect and reaction of trainees to application of i-AIM framework (Indications, Acquisition, Interpretation, and Management integration) in PoCUS training. 2. the effects of implementing near-peer teaching (NPT) in PoCUS training. More sample collection was necessary to explore the significance of the training effectiveness. The effects of this project involve multiple dimensions of PoCUS education including comprehensive training models, educational framework, training modalities, and faculty development. These will offer evidence-based experiences and bring fundamental paradigm shift ofPoCUS education. Structured PoCUS training model is proved to be effective in training and assessment. Comprehensive faculty development and more sample collection are required to validate the effects of NPT.照護地點即時超音波(PoCUS)教學典範轉移=Paradigm Shift of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) Education