臺灣大學: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所吳文中陳昱任Chen, Iu-RenIu-RenChen2013-03-272018-06-282013-03-272018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252497近年來軟性電子逐漸在科技領域中嶄露頭角,有機材料更是在軟性電子中扮演重要的角色,許多以有機材料為主的產品相繼被發展出來,像是最近許多智慧型手機使用的螢幕,就是使用主動式有機發光二極體。有機材料通常利用溶液製程方式製作在軟性基板上,噴墨也是溶液製程中常見的一種,有低成本、高機動性等優勢。 本論文利用半導體製程與自製的噴墨製程系統,搭配環境控制、表面處理、溫度調控等因素,完成兩種有機電晶體。第一種以矽晶圓為基底,再噴印上有機半導體材料P3HT。第二種是全噴墨有機薄膜電晶體,各層皆使用有機高分子材料並且以噴墨製程完成。其元件電性已達到世界級水準(電流開關比為106,載子漂移率為5×10-3 cm2/V‧s)。 製作有機電晶體過程裡,透過摻雜奈米碳粒子於P3HT中,來提升電晶體的性能表現。有機場效電晶體有將近六倍的提升,而有機薄膜電晶體則有五倍左右的成長。In recent years, flexible electronics gradually make a figure in technology fields. To illustrate, organic materials play an important role in flexible electronics. More and more products using organic materials have been developed, such as the screen of many smart phones, the application of active matrix organic light emitting diodes. Organic materials are usually produced by solution process on the soft substrate. Ink-jet printing is a common solution process, which has low cost, high maneuverability and other advantages. In this thesis, with the combination of the semiconductor process and ink-jet printing process system, two kinds of organic transistors are made under the circumstance of environmental control, surface treatment, and temperature control. One used silicon wafer as the substrate, and then was printed with the semiconductor material, P3HT, on the wafer. The other was all ink-jet printing organic thin film transistor, which was fabricated with organic polymer materials in each layer by ink-jet printing process. The performance of its devices has achieved world class standards. (On/off current ratio is 106 order, and the mobility is 5×10-3 cm2/V‧s) In the process of fabricating organic transistors, the performance of transistors was improved by blending the nano carbon particles into P3HT. The performance of organic field effect transistors was nearly six times higher, the performance of the organic thin film transistors was about five times higher.6371023 bytesapplication/pdfen-US噴墨P3HT有機薄膜電晶體奈米碳粒子Ink-jet printingOrganic thin film transistorNano carbon particles噴墨式有機半導體摻雜奈米碳粒子之薄膜電晶體效能提昇研究The Performance Improvement of Ink-jet Printing Organic Thin Film Transistor by Blending Organic Semiconductor and Nano Carbon Particlesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252497/1/ntu-99-R97525027-1.pdf