2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714927Our Department originated from combing the Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, and Department of Medical Chemistry at the affiliated Hospital, Taihoku Imperial University in 1945. In 1962, the Graduate Institute of Biochemistry was established from the original Biochemistry Program in the Graduate Institute of Physiology, which were founded in 1956. Since the middle of 2001, the name of Graduate Institute of Biochemistry has been changed to Graduate Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in order to fit the research discipline of this Institute precisely. The main areas of research in this Institute include the molecular mechanisms of cell growth, aging, and human diseases (such as cancer, hepatitis, SARS, and allergy); genomics and proteomics, protein chemistry and structural biology. The development of novel approaches for preventing or controlling diseases, especially cancer, is one of our major missions. Our institute offers excellent academic environment for training new generation of bioscientists.Alumni are wide-spread. Most of them are engaging in life science researches. There are many distinguishing alumni serving as members of Academia Sinica, principles of university, deans of medical school etc. In additions, a few professors in our institute have also been invited to serve as the directors in the National Science Council.台灣生化之發展起源於台灣大學醫學院生化學科,而生化學科在台灣光復後(1945年)由前台北帝國大學醫學部生化學教室及附屬醫學專門部醫化學教室合併而來。當時生化學科研究室位於目前之台灣大學醫學院人文館(原二號館)。董大成教授為光復後的第一任生化學科主任,開啟本土學者在國內生化研究之里程碑。1962年生化學研究所成立,由原生理學研究所生化組(成立於1956年)獨立出來。從此生化所成為培養生化科學家之搖籃,在過去數十年來已培育了許多國內外生物醫學相關領域的學生,並提升國內之研究水準。所有師生之表現已使得本科所在學術界聲譽卓著。 近些年來,傳統的生化學和進展快速的生子生物學結合後,使得生物醫學的相關研究,發展神速,因此生化學及分子生物學已成為基礎醫學中最重要的基本知識,本所亦於2001年更名為生物化學暨分子生物學研究所所,除了培養學生對於該領域的知識,能廣為吸收,並訓練學生從分子層次探討生物體及疾病的各種現象與表徵。2000年後人類基因體計畫告一段落,有龐大的基因資訊大量釋出,如何面對後基因體時代的研究挑戰,新的技術開發是非常重要的關鍵,才能主導21世紀的科技。目前已有基因晶片之開發,蛋白質體學的發展,生物資訊學的資料庫,未來更有快速的個人化定序設備,這些先進的技術的突破,將可帶與人類邁向另一高峰。我們將廣納這些課程納入研究生的訓練外,並須積極吸收學有專精的優秀人才將新的生物科技帶入,以提昇生物科技及醫藥技術之發展。Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyAcademic Institute