公共衛生學院: 健康政策與管理研究所指導教授: 陳端容陳安祺Chen, An-ChiAn-ChiChen2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274331研究目的:本研究針對臺灣成年女性,分析社會人口學變項與其社會網絡關係,對使用輔助與替代療法的行為以及輔助替代療法態度的相關因素,主要研究目的為:探討女性社會關係特性與輔助與替代療法使用行為與態度相關性 研究方法:本研究為一橫斷性研究,使用自擬結構式自填問卷,透過請該領域學者進行專家效度審查後,依審查意見進行修訂。並採取便利抽樣(convenience sampling)的方式,隨機於成年女性較常活動之地點-美容院,進行資料收集,於2015 年3 月蒐集共325 份有效問卷。統計方法運用利用卡方分析、羅吉斯迴歸分析與多變項線性迴歸分析。 研究結果:研究結果顯示輔助與替代療法的使用行為,女性的親友中有提供購買或使用管道的人數每增加1 單位時,女性的使用行為會增加3.72 倍(Exp(β)=3.72),而親友本身使用輔助與替代療法的人數增加1 單位時,女性的使用行為會增加1.90 倍 (Exp(β)=1.90)。宗教信仰為天主與基督教相較無宗教信仰者,有4.16 倍高的可能使用行為(Exp(β)=4.16)。在對輔助與替代療法的態度,女性居住於台南地區相較於台北地區擁有比較正向的態度(β=0.61),而信仰佛教者相較無信仰者擁有比較正向的態度(β=0.56)。 結論:本研究顯示女性對於輔助與替代療法的使用行為與其社會關係中的成員有實際使用輔助與替代療法的行為相關,但社會關係卻對輔助與替代療法的態度較無影響,然而人口學變項中的宗教信仰對於女性在輔助與替代療法的使用行為與態度上皆為相關因子之一,由於使用行為與社會關係相關,建議能夠利用女性的社會關係傳遞正確的健康專業知識與資訊,建立女性正確的健康行為Objectives: This study aimed to examine the correlations between social relationships and the attitude and the usage of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among adult women in Taiwan. Methods: This study was an cross-section study, using self-administered questionnaire which was examined and modified by expert. Data were collected from 325 adult women at frequent places such as beauty salon on March of 2015.Chi-square,multivariate logistic regression, and multivariate linear regression were used for data analysis. Results: In usage of CAM among adult women, the numbers of their social network members who had expressed ways of CAM to them more, adult women were more likely to use CAM (Exp(β)=3.72). the numbers of their social network embers who had used CAM , they were more likely to use CAM (Exp(β)=1.90). Women who were Christian/Catholic (Exp(β)=4.16), rather than Atheist, were more likely to use CAM.In attitude toward CAM among adult women, women living in southern Taiwan (β=0.61), rather than northern Taiwan, developed more positive attitude toward CAM. Women who were Buddhist (β=0.56), rather than Atheist, developed more positive attitude toward CAM. Conclusion: this study found that (a) religion was an important factor related to usage of the CAM and the attitude toward CAM among adult women (b) Usage of CAM among adult women were mainly influenced by their social network members who had CAM-using experience.論文使用權限: 不同意授權輔助與替代療法態度行為社會關係complementary and alternative medicineattitudeusage behaviorsocial relationship臺灣成年女性的社會關係對於輔助與替代療法態度、行為相關之研究The correlations between social relationships and attitude ,and usage of the complementary and alternative medicine among adult women in Taiwanthesis