社會科學院: 經濟學研究所指導教授: 謝德宗林易瑩Lin, Yi-YingYi-YingLin2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275239台灣高等教育產業正面臨來自外部的衝擊,如總體經濟情勢變化、國際化、少子化現象,以及內部衝擊,如各校資源分配不均;私校倒閉、報到率降低的困境隨之而來。教育部因此加快學校整併的腳步,使學校資源能有效運用。然而在整併過程中,教職員工去留將會成為整併的一大問題;再者,各大專院校經營模式、教學風格亦自成一格,整併後的發展方向統合也會因為原校風格差異而多有阻礙。 如何解決這樣困境?除政府擬定長期教育政策、媒合兩家以上大專院校整併以達到規模經濟外,各校亦可在國際化招生、開辦進修推廣部課程等面向上進行多角化經營,開拓校內各個項目經費財源。在教育部主導七大公立大學合併案中,有四案推行順利,這樣成果表示政府推動對大專院校整併有很大一部分影響力,而若能解決雙方對於人力資源、經費等配置的意見不一致,合併案順利推行的可能性即可提高。 本研究從相關文獻了解企業組織間的合併與多角化經營之理論及型態,進而探討台灣高等教育產業的過去與現況,研究高教產業之內外部需求,並整理台灣高教產業過去資源整合案例,由歷史數據與質化資料解釋高教組織整併與多角化發展的必要性與未來經營模式的參考方向。Standing on the macro side, there are different kinds of changing pounding higher educational industry in Taiwan, like overall economic situation, internationalization or the tendency to have fewer children. On the other side, universities and colleges are under attack of uneven distribution of resources, closure of private schools and the plight of registration rate reduction. Government tries to save education institutions from various dilemmas but more problems rise up, for instance, staff placement, conflict views of school running and so on. How to resolve this difficulty? While ministry of education is busy at framing long-term education policy, universities could do their jobs on international enrollment, professional education and continuing studies to provision enough financial resources of multiple projects. Also, communication plays an important role in integration. To settle a dispute from two parties, like re-allocation of human resources, is to increase possibility of fulfilling merging case without a hitch. In this study, I try to arrange reference documents to understand theories and patterns combined with the diversification of organizations, thus to discuss with the past and status of higher education industry in Taiwan. Moreover, by studying demand side of education industry and finishing resource integration cases in this field, I would attempt to explain the need of merging and diversification development and provide some future directions.論文使用權限: 不同意授權高等教育合併多角化策略聯盟資源整合higher educationmergingconsolidationdiversificationintegration[SDGs]SDG4台灣高等教育產業整併研析Integration of the Higher Education Industry in Taiwanthesis10.6342/NTU201600433