臺灣大學: 機械工程學研究所陽毅平李佳隆Lee, Chia-LungChia-LungLee2013-04-012018-06-282013-04-012018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256234本研究目的在於利用車輛模擬軟體CarSimR與控制模擬軟體MATLAB/SimulinkR,結合既有車輛橫擺控制系統之設計,試圖在廣域的速度範圍內(10~70 km/h)模擬一輛直驅式電動汽車在零車身側滑角之控制目標下所呈現的控制特性。零車身側滑角的控制目標主要在於解決車身側滑角之響應隨行駛速的增加而急劇成長,可能會造成駕駛誤判行駛路徑構成危險。模擬過程分成兩種不同的駕駛行為與七種速度。在檢視模擬結果後發現依照車輛本身參數的不同,零車身側滑角的控制目標會因為馬達力矩有其極限而在低速情況下的控制表現不佳,故採取一種”妥協”的控制方式,考慮在不同速度下零車身側滑角所需之理論橫擺力矩與馬達驅動能力後,以參數調整的方式降低車輛原本應該要跟隨之橫擺角速度,企圖盡其所能的趨近零車身側滑角的控制目標。The object of this thesis was to simulate a DYC scheme on a electrical vehicle with two independent driven in-wheel motors operating in a wide range of speed(10~70 km/h). The simulation was carried out in the software environment which was constructed using CarSimR and MATLAB/SimulinkR. And the control object was to reduce the slip angle at the center of gravity of vehicle which was designed to eliminate the error between the vehicle heading and the direction of motion and to suppress the high vehicle slip angle gain at high speed. The simulation results presented that there was a limit while applying a DYC scheme to manipulate the yaw response of a vehicle due to the costly theoretic yaw moment requirement, especially at low speed range. Finally, this thesis introduced a tunable parameter to lower the desired yaw rate to achieve zero vehicle slip angle as closely as possible and a discussion of how the DYC scheme effect vehicle slip angle gain and yaw rate gain.3014832 bytesapplication/pdfen-US車輛動態輪轂馬達直接橫擺力矩控制Vehicle DynamicsIn-Wheel MotorDirect Yaw Moment Control直驅式電動汽車之運動控制模擬Simulation of Motion Control for Electrical Vehicle with Two Independently Driven In-Wheel Motorsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256234/1/ntu-99-R95522817-1.pdf