國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University黃琪惠Huang, C.H.C.H.Huang2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292006-03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281806本文以台南市鄭成功文物館收藏的「台灣歷史畫」作為核心,重建其製作過程的來龍去脈,探討其使用脈絡的政治文化意涵,並追溯流傳過程的改造現象。本研究提供深入思索官方版的台灣歷史畫是如何受到政治意識型態與歷史意識所操控的問題,以及其中隱含的複雜性。首先從西洋歷史畫概念透過日本播至台灣,說明這套台灣歷史畫的特殊性。從創作者小早川篤四郎與台灣的關係,理解其接受本殖民政府委託的原因,並分析歷史畫對他畫風發展的影響。接著與其師石欽一郎、岡田三郎助的台灣歷史畫作比較,突顯為1935年博覽會台南歷史館繪製約二十幅百號歷史畫所面臨的挑戰性。在官方介入與學者的協助之下,小早川在流傳的台灣史圖像基礎上建構新的台灣歷史形象。透過歷史背景與相關作品的比較,解讀每幅歷史畫的圖像內容與風格色,並分析形建構背後在台日人的台灣歷史觀的問題。最從史檢討與戰後歷史畫的變遷,提出何謂「台灣歷史畫」的省思。This article examines the set of “Historical Paintings of Taiwan,” now in the collection of Museum of Cheng Cheng-Kung in Tainan, discussing how it was produced, its political and cultural significances, and its historical transformations. This research study provides an opportunity to closely examine the complex situations under which political and historical ideologies manipulated the making of historical paintings in colonial Taiwan. The article first discusses Kohayakawa Atsusirou, painter of “Historical Paintings of Taiwan” outlining the background reasons that he received the commission from the Japanese government, and analyzing how traditional historical paintings shaped his own style. It then compares Kohayakawa’s work with paintings of the same subject by his mentors Ishikawa Kinichirou and Okada Saburousuke in order to reveal the distinguished challenges that Kohayakawa had faced in creating “Historical Paintings of Taiwan,” twenty paintings made for the Gallery of History of Tainan in the 1935 Exhibition. Assisted by historians and interfered by the Japanese colonial government, Kohayakawa transformed the Taiwanese historical pictorial conventions infusing the work with new historical images of Taiwan. Through an investigation into its historical background and comparison with other relevant paintings, this research study examines each historical painting’s visual contexts, iconography, artistic style, and the underneath ideologies of those Japanese in Taiwan. Lastly, this article discusses the transformations of the genre in the post-war era to shed light on the question of “What constitute historical paintings of Taiwan.”72403907 bytesapplication/pdf歷史畫台灣歷史畫小早川篤四郎始政四十周年紀念台灣博覽會集體記憶Historical PaintingHistorical Paintings of TaiwanKohayakawa AtsusirouTaiwan Exhibition of the Fortieth Anniversary of Governance During the Japanese Colonial Period in TaiwanCollective Memory再現與改造歷史-1935年博覽會中的「台灣歷史畫」Representing and Reconstructing History: Examining “Historical Paintings of Taiwan” in the 1935 Exhibitionjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281806/1/0020_200603_4.pdf