2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714766The “International Master’s/ Doctoral Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development” at the College of Science, National Taiwan University, is an inter-disciplinary program which integrates both scientific and humanistic faculty members and courses within the university. IPCS is set up to raise talents with multi-disciplinary professions as well as global perspective. The degree program established in the 2016 academic year, and had successfully admitted 3 doctoral and 14 master’s degree students. Research Fields & Facilities: IPCS has 20 faculty members from 10 departments and graduate institutes in 5 different colleges, to provide basic as well as advanced courses in the domains of natural sciences and humanities jointly, at both master’s and doctoral levels. IPCS is expected to train either future leaders in the research of cross-disciplinary climate change and sustainable development, policy makers, or practical talents. Based on their diverse academic backgrounds, students will develop abilities to carry out inter-disciplinary communication and research. Furthermore, through case studies and seminars, students are equipped with the skills to resolve issues caused by climate change, and to promote sustainable development. Future Goals & Development: Through comprehensive and in-depth teaching strategies, IPCS leads students into understanding the core issues of climate change and sustainable development. As well as to fundamentally increase the experience and perspective of students when analyzing events and issues on climate change and sustainable development. IPCS also looks forward to develop students’ interest and passion to explore the human-environment interaction, and their active learning, data collection, dialectical, analytical, apparatus usage, and practical abilities. In addition, to overcome the biased views caused by “specialization of knowledge”, and to restore the “holistic” nature of knowledge. Eventually, IPCS fosters students into interdisciplinary experts in climate change and sustainable development by integrating global and local experience, employing scientific and humanistic wisdom, and the individual or collective interdisciplinary problem-solving skills towards complex and multifaceted issues.『理學院氣候變遷與永續發展國際碩士及博士學位學程』(IPCS)是整合本校相關 的科學領域與人文領域之師資與課程所成立的跨學院跨領域的國際學位學程。多元的師資陣容與完整的跨領域課程,培育氣候變遷與永續發展跨領域與具國際觀之專業人才。本學位學程於104年奉教育部核准設立,並於105學年度開始碩、博士班招生。Climate Change and Sustainable DevelopmentAcademic Institute