2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714784The Department of Microbiology at NTU Medical School has, since its origin in 1947, been exceptionally active and well-organized in education and in research. By means of the NTU hospital next to medical school, the department of Microbiology can invite lots of researchers associated with clinical medicine to investigate the academic fields and share the scientific resources. There are many academic institutes, such as the Centers for Disease Controls, Academia Sinica and Department of health, adjacent to the Department of Microbiology. This multidisciplinary environment provides students having enterprising spirit opportunities to obtain abundant knowledge about Microbiology and its related field. Even though your backgrounds are different or insufficient in this field, we provide the platform of the various Microbiology courses, such as introduction of microbiology, advanced microbiology, molecular biology, etc. In addition, many of the labs in our department offer opportunities to understand a particular aspect of bacteria, virus, cancer, immunology, gene therapy by utilizing logic thought and advanced scientific techniques, and these skills will be tremendously valuable as a student pursues a goal of becoming a research scientist. Major Research Fields Study the pathogenesis mechanisms in microbes and diseases. Study the relationship between microbiology and oncology, such as Hepatitis virus, Papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr virus and Helicobacter pylori induced human cancers. Study the mechanisms of cancer carcinogenesis and development in anticancer drug. Study the Emerging infectious disease in Flu and SARS. Study the host factors involved in DNA repair, gene regulations, cell cycle regulation and genomic stability etc."1965年8月本科與寄生蟲學科共同成立微生物學研究所,分別設立「細菌學組」及「寄生蟲組」,招收碩士班研究生;1986年經教育部通過獲准招收博士班研究生,藉此培育微生物學專精之研究人才;2000年更名『微生物學科暨研究所』,希望能培育更多細菌、真菌、病毒、寄生蟲等基礎暨臨床微生物學相關的人才,共同追求新知,創造研究,為永續發展之醫學微生物學奠定基礎,並期許為改進國人之身心健康更加努力。2002年結合中央研究院生醫所及本所師資專長,成立「微生物與感染症基因體學程」,盼吸引更多優秀學生報考,並教育及訓練國內微生物基因體人才,提升研究合作及技能。 本所向來秉持教育及研究並重之理念永續發展,在教學方面,傳授基礎和高等微生物學及其相關知識,以教育學有專精之微生物學人才,及培育第一流的研究及教學人才。在研究所方面,本科為國內同一單位中研究肝炎病毒、EBV病毒及流感病毒研究較多且成果豐碩之研究機構。其它老師則進行不同領域的研究(如:篩選出用藥阻斷癌細胞生長、探討荷爾蒙在癌症(肝癌及子宮頸癌)發生上扮演的角色、噬菌體運用於腸胃道細菌(Klebsiella pneumonia)的快速診斷與新治療之發展、卡路里的限制於長壽之關連機制、DNA topology之分子生物學、RNA基因調控及細菌表面的醣分子和細胞如何調控宿主的免疫反應等領域之專長教師等),朝向多元化發展。另外,因應emerging infectious diseases的發生,積極參與不同研究團隊,尤其針對可能引發大規模流行而危急國人健康之病毒傳染症,如:冠狀病毒(SARS, MERS)、流行性感冒病毒(Flu)等研究,期能因應新疾病發生的預防及治療。以及對人類健康及科技發展有所貢獻。 目前有22位助理教授以上具學術專長之專兼任教師,教學及研究設施完善,定期舉辦學術討論會以增加對新知的吸收,以及不定期邀請國內外著名學者專家演講,以提昇學術水準。研究成果之論文發表於國內外生命科學相關之學術刊物。期許成為微生物學教育與學術研究領先之地位,為人類醫療及知識做 更好的貢獻。"MicrobiologyAcademic Institute