臺灣大學: 歷史學研究所陳弱水; 甘懷真趙立新Chao, Li-hsinLi-hsinChao2013-03-222018-05-292013-03-222018-05-292010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251337 在早期帝制中國,中古時期是一個被形容為近似貴族社會的時代,貴族化的士族對此一時期的深刻影響,尤其表現在皇帝權力的相對弱勢,以及社會階層化在觀念與實踐層面的發達,學界通常以士族政治或是貴族制社會來概括此時特殊的政治社會現象。向來被視為是此種特殊現象極盛階段的南朝(420-589),同時也是孕含變化的時期。本文關注南朝宗室政治下的士人仕宦結構,焦點集中於皇弟皇子府僚佐群體中的參軍,特別是參軍一職在遷轉結構中的位置與重要性。並且試圖由動態的歷史發展過程,觀察政治社會的變動對士人文化風氣、仕宦途徑和政治制度的影響及互動關係,期望藉此以進一步發掘南朝政治社會的變化實態,以便開啟重新檢討與解釋中古士族政治社會現象的可能性。 本文由許多不同的面向展開考察與探究,為求對於制度、觀念和現實層面的考察能夠更為有機地相互聯繫起來,本文主要採取了兩種取徑,其中之一是著重於政治權力的變動過程,以及社會文化和政治制度的反應。另一個取徑是由制度面向切入,考察仕宦經歷與特定的官職遷轉組合所形成的官歷。 在第一章的緒論之外,第二章考察士人起家以後的仕宦途徑,特別是受到政府接納社會期望、形成制度化而具有典型意義的官歷。進一步以這些官歷為比較基準,並探賾當時普遍的仕宦志願心態與目標,說明高門士族之外、中下層士人和寒人的仕宦路途,並且考察普遍存在於各種官歷之中的參軍一職,在仕宦結構中的地位和特徵。第三章則是考察南朝皇帝重用宗室的發展過程,對於士族社交風氣和官僚選用帶來怎樣的影響,並且注意宗室受到重視之外的反面,亦即皇帝對宗室的嚴格管制,這種矛盾的兩面性構成南朝宗室政治也是皇帝政治的特色。同時考察在此種宗室政治下,任用宗室的措施在制度上逐漸成形的「皇弟皇子府」。第四章則是由制度的面向,深入考察「皇弟皇子府」的組成和特徵,特別是參軍的地位和選用,主要透過以官僚組織、品位序列,以及選用參軍的人才特色和條件,在瞭解「皇弟皇子府」組織的同時,也呈現出府內參軍獨特的遷轉途徑。第五章則是結合文化風氣、社交活動和仕宦途徑三者,以求瞭解「皇弟皇子府」參軍為首的僚佐,他們的遷轉經歷具有什麼樣的才學、出身和制度特徵,特別是以具有指標性的高級參軍為例,以便瞭解「皇弟皇子府」參軍在南朝仕宦結構中的位置。 根據本文的考察與探究可以發現,南朝的宗室政治具有矛盾的兩面性特徵──皇帝對宗室諸王既予重用同時又緊緊管控,宗室之中尤其受到重視者乃是皇子、皇弟,在制度上形成了「皇弟皇子府」的機構,同時也成為此時的重要社交和文化中心,「皇弟皇子府」參軍的獨特地位與仕宦經歷及模式,不僅具體反映南朝宗室政治的特色,也凸顯了權力結構和運作的複雜多元面貌,同時呈現出中下層士人普遍的共同仕宦經歷,揭露了與以往研究有別的中古政治社會面貌,為重新解釋中古時期的歷史開啟了新的可能性。In early imperial China, the medieval period was described as a time of aristocracy, aristocratic scholar-officials and their families have overwhelming effects in the period, , and the highlight of social classification in ideal and practical level, especially when the power of emperors is at its relatively weaker time. ‘Aristocratic Society’ is usually used to summarize the unusual political and social phenomena during this period. Southern Dynasties (420-589) is usually regarded as a climax stage of this phenomenon, and it is also a time of great transition. This dissertation focuses on the structure of official career under the politics of princes, and the military councilors in particular with investigation of its standing and importance. And through the dynamic politiical process, this dissertation tries to investigate how the interaction between society and culture cause effects to official careers and bureaucratic systems. There are two main approaches adopted here in order to investigate the interactivity between institution, ideas and practice, one is to put the emphasis on the changing process of political power, as well as responses from socio-cultural and bureaucratic system. Another is through the institutional angle to investigate official career experience and special ways of careers combined. Military councilors under imperial brothers and sons will be the very subject of this research. According to the dissertation, there are two sides of the politics of princes in Southern Dynasties. The emperors have relied on the imperial clan, but have watched over them at the same time. Among the members of imperial clan, imperial brothers and sons were paid extraordinary attention most. It has formed local establishments under imperial brothers and sons in the bureaucratic system, and the establishments also become center of social network and literary culture in their times. The military councilors under imperial brothers and sons with special standing and official career have reflected and appeared the unique characteristics of the politics of princes in Southern Dynasties, but also the running and structure of power. It presented the common experience of the non-first-grade scholar-officials that they have had in their official career. It means that this research discovered something important different from those research before, gives us new possibility to reinterpret the history of Aristocracy in early medieval China.1419172 bytesapplication/pdfen-US南朝宗室政治皇弟皇子士人參軍仕途官歷官僚制度Southern Dynastiesthe politics of princesimperial brothers and sonsscholar-officialsmilitary councilorofficial careerofficialdombureaucratic system南朝宗室政治與仕宦結構:以皇弟皇子府參軍為中心The Politics of Princes and the Structure of Official Career in Southern Dynasties: Focusing on Military Councilors under Imperial Brothers and Sonshttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251337/1/ntu-99-D89123003-1.pdf