Chung, Ren-HuaRen-HuaChungChiu, Yen-FengYen-FengChiuWang, Wen-ChangWen-ChangWangHwu, Chii-MinChii-MinHwuHung, Yi-JenYi-JenHungLee, I-TeI-TeLeeLEE-MING CHUANGQuertermous, ThomasThomasQuertermousRotter, Jerome IJerome IRotterChen, Yii-Der IYii-Der IChenChang, I-ShouI-ShouChangHsiung, Chao AChao AHsiung2021-04-282021-04-282021-04-120012186X elevated fasting glucose level in non-diabetic individuals is a key predictor of type 2 diabetes. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified hundreds of SNPs for fasting glucose but most of their functional roles in influencing the trait are unclear. This study aimed to identify the mediation effects of DNA methylation between SNPs identified as significant from GWAS and fasting glucose using Mendelian randomisation (MR) analyses.enDNA methylation; Fasting glucose; GWAS; Han Chinese; Mendelian randomisation; Multi-omics analysis[SDGs]SDG3glucose; glucose 6 phosphatase; glucose 6 phosphatase catalytic subunit 2; low density lipoprotein cholesterol; unclassified drug; 5' untranslated region; adult; Article; biobank; cohort analysis; CpG island; DNA methylation; DNA methylation assay; expresMulti-omics analysis identifies CpGs near G6PC2 mediating the effects of genetic variants on fasting glucosejournal article10.1007/s00125-021-05449-9338429832-s2.0-85104153545