2014-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/679421摘要:本計畫以開發低成本、高靈敏度的可攜式有機揮發性氣體感測系統為目標,可安裝於民房、實驗室、工廠,避免有機揮發性氣體的洩漏及爆炸,以提供更佳的生活環境。根據歐盟定義,有機揮發性氣體為一大氣壓下沸點低於250°C的化合物(2008/50/EC)。欲開發之系統能夠偵測及監控環境中的過量有害有機揮發性氣體,並送出警示,如警報或警示燈通知周遭人員,傳送訊息至智慧型手機及電腦。(2004/42/EC) 提出之可攜式有機揮發性氣體感測系統,採用較為便宜的LED燈、感測晶片、光電轉換元件、訊號擷取及傳輸零件等等,能夠和硬體設備如電腦及智慧型手機等作介面整合,以提出警報或有機揮發性氣體的濃度。本系統的核心技術和發明為感測晶片,是由導電高分子及奈米粒子構成的新穎混摻材料薄膜製備而成。混摻薄膜的表面形貌在暴露於有機揮發氣體後會有劇烈變化,導致對光吸收度提升,藉由吸收度的變化,可以對人員提出警示以採取立即的應變措施。本新穎技術於近期已被證實為可行,結果顯示多種有機揮發氣體,於歐洲職業安全衛生署(EU-OSHA)規範濃度或更低濃度下,在數分鐘內即可被感測出來。本計畫基於此結果,期望藉由嶄新的混摻材料與資料自動擷取分析系統,達成增加ppm等級的感應度及更短的反應時間的目標。 <br> Abstract: We are proposing to develop low cost, high sensitivity, mobile volatile organic compound (VOC) sensor system that can be easily installed and used in home, laboratory, factory to provide better living environment and protect human from VOC exposure and explosion. Volatile organic compound means any organic compound having an initial boiling point less than or equal to 250°C measured at a standard pressure of 101,3 kPa (Directive 2008/50/EC). The system can detect and monitor any excess harmful VOC in the environment and send out warning signals to alert people through visible and/or audible alarm; smart cell phone or computer message (Directive 2004/42/EC). The proposed mobile VOC sensor system using inexpensive components of LED light sources, sensing chip, light to electricity detector (analog to digital), signal acquisition that can be interfaced with smart cell phone or computer to send out warning signal or display the level of VOC. The innovation and core technology of this system is the sensing chip that is made from the thin film of novel hybrid material of conducting polymers and nanoparticles. The morphology of the hybrid film is changed upon the exposure to the vapor of volatile organic compounds that in turn changes the absorption behavior of the hybrid. The change in the absorption provides different current signal that is transferred into the warning signal. The warning signal can be either in visual or audio to alert people for prompt remediation action. The proof-of-concept of this novel technology has been demonstrated. The results indicate that various VOCs can be detected within few minutes of time, confirming the regulations and directives at the occupational health safety administration of European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). The proposed program will base on this initial result and aims the further development with increased sensitivity of ppm range, less than minutes response time by using new hybrid materials and adding automated data acquisition system for reliable VOC sensor readouts. This Project comprises research, technology and product development of VOC sensor system and encourages unique European-Taiwan co-operation in new areas of mutual benefit. A number of stimulation actions of trans-national cooperation will be taken place and expedited research results to achieve the goal. The consortium will provide a significant technological knowledge base; the facility and infrastructure sharing and will offer additional opportunities for the development. This project will bridge the current gap existing between pure sensor development academia and end users companies of manufacturing and final environmental monitoring.混摻材料有機揮發性氣體感測器hybrid materialsVOC sensing國際合作研究計畫【混成材料用於廉價有機揮發物檢測系統的開發】