2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714763The Institute of Oceanography (IO/NTU) today is the result of the inspiration, vision, and hard work of many people over the years. Since its inception in 1968 at the main campus of the National Taiwan University, the IO/NTU has endeavored to promote integrative and interdisciplinary research and education of marine sciences in Taiwan. It offers graduate education programs in four divisions: physical oceanography (PO), chemical oceanography (CO), marine geology and geophysics (MG&G), and marine biology and fisheries (MB&F). The PO division of the institute has been an active research force in studying oceanographic processes over a wide range of spatio-temporal scales, ranging from tens of meters in coastal/estuarine flows to hundreds of kilometers in ocean-basin-wide circulation, on a time scale varying from seconds in ocean waves to interannual variability of the western boundary current. Research in the CO division covers various topics of speciation and biogeochemical cycles of trace elements, air–sea exchange processes of CO2 and Hg, marine organic geochemistry, early diagenesis, environmental pollution, and analytical methods for the determination of hydrographic properties of seawater. The MG&G division plays a leading role in operating and developing sophisticated field observation techniques, including active seismic imaging, marine gravity and geomagnetic observation, high-resolution seafloor mapping, precise seafloor mapping, and marine heat flow measurement. Applications of these field observation techniques to marine resources exploration and submarine geohazards mitigation, as well as to fundamental researches of plate boundary interaction, seismotectonics, submarine sedimentary processes, and geochemical and geobiological studies together with frontier modeling approaches have been the main research focuses. The MB&F division deals with a broad spectrum of marine biological sciences, including marine biodiversity, marine ecosystem functions, marine ecology, evolution of marine organisms, and fisheries science and stock assessment. Subjects of marine biology studies range from microbes and invertebrates to vertebrates and from their population and communities to ecosystems. Topics in fishery studies include stock assessment and management of both pelagic and benthic fishes to attain sustainable exploitation of fishery resources. Entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, the IO/NTU maintains a research vessel, R/V Ocean Researcher I, the Marine Instrument Center, as well as the Ocean Data Bank. The vessel is equipped with advanced navigation equipment and research instruments, is coordinated by experienced administrators, and is further supported by the crew, marine technicians, and the Marine Instrument Center. The Marine Instrument Center is staffed with electronic and marine technicians, programmers, administrators, and scientists to provide professional advice and operation manuals, and provides service to oceanographic communities and government agencies. The Marine Instrument Center hence owns the technical ability to design and build marine instruments according to carried scientific targets. In June 2015, a newly developed air/sea-observing buoy system was successfully moored at a location 400 km southeast of southern Taiwan, where the depth of the ocean floor is 5500 m. This buoy, with the functionality for real-time transmission of meteorological and hydrographic data in the upper ocean, represents a landmark achievement of the Marine Instrument Center. The Ocean Data Bank is a multidisciplinary oceanic information system based on service-oriented architecture for the Western Pacific Ocean. The database has compiled oceanic data acquired from the surrounding seas of Taiwan and provides web browser service to let users search for multidisciplinary datasets. http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw海洋研究所成立於民國57年,為我國最早設立之海洋科學教學研究單位。本所之基本任務為推展我國海洋科學研究,以及培育海洋科學基礎和高階研究人才。本所之教學研究涵括海洋物理、海洋化學、海洋地質暨地球物理、海洋生物和漁業等四大領域,為我國海洋科學高等教育體系中師資陣容最完整的研究機構,歷年來也是台灣海洋科學研究的中堅和領航者,對於瞭解與保護我國海洋環境,促進海洋資源開發及永續利用,保育海洋生態,都有卓著貢獻。 本所設有碩士班和博士班,並採分組教學方式;目前的教學分組包括:海洋物理、海洋化學、海洋地質及地球物理、海洋生物及漁業等四大領域。歷年畢業之碩、博士班學生任職於國內各公、私立教學及研究機構、各級政府、民間環保工程及高科技等產業,大致均能在相關事業上學以致用,發展長才。 本所負責管理「海研一號」研究船,並設有支援研究船營運的船務室及海洋探勘組(隸屬理學院貴重儀器中心),全力支援本所及國內各研究機構海洋教學研究之需求,為我國海洋探測之主力。OceanographyAcademic Institute