張重昭臺灣大學:財務金融學研究所鄧 茂 松2007-11-282018-07-092007-11-282018-07-092004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/60820論文摘要 台灣自第二次世界大戰後的六十年以來,從農業社會進入所謂新興工業化國家的過程中,靠著人民辛苦打拼、政府適度的政策引導與靈活機動的企業生命力,抓住國際市場脈動,陸續造就了數個「台灣第一」的產業。其中最具世界性影響力,且目前仍是第一名的產業,即是「晶圓代工」產業。 過去三年來,國內產官學界對於是否開放晶圓廠赴中國大陸投資,一直有見仁見智的不同聲音。個人經歷海峽兩岸在此產業的成長,深感雙方可以在更好的分工體系上,更加鞏固這個屬於我們大家的全球霸業。 當切入競爭分析這個主題,Michael Porter的理論是經典的理論基礎,可以做思辯的依據;然一旦進入競爭要素分析時,縱有許多統計數字支持,仍在所難免有個人的主觀判斷。只能期盼以個人在海峽兩岸忝列半導體產業一員達十六年之產業經驗,能有一番較為深入的洞察。 侷限於專業,本文僅就產業面分析比較兩岸晶圓代工業的競爭力,至於從政治、國防、社會、勞工等角度切入的探討,或許也有可能影響本研究之結論建議,但相信雙方競爭力的本質是不變的。 藉著國家競爭力模型,本研究對兩岸晶圓代工業的競爭力比較結果顯示:海峽兩岸晶圓代工業在未來五年之內的爆發力,幾乎在伯仲之間。然而二者定位不同,中國大陸的代工業者多半以成熟的主流製程為主;台灣業者則以發展先進製程主。二者相爭,必影響台灣晶圓代工業者在成熟製程部分的市場佔有率;但若以創造性的合作模式,看待兩岸晶圓代工產業的關係,則很有機會攜手鞏固屬於兩岸中國人的晶圓代工全球霸業。且讓我們期待這美好的結果! 本研究並不探討台灣如何持續維持在晶圓代工產業的領先地位,或將此產業的基礎、資源,做更好的應用發揮。在數年之內,當中國大陸在此產業日漸壯大後,或許這些議題,會是產、官、學、研等各界有興趣費心研究的。Abstract During the past 60 years after the World War II, Taiwan has migrated from an agricultural society, into a newly industrialized entity. Through hard work of Taiwanese people, leadership of the government, and the dynamic Taiwanese entrepreneurship, we established several “World #1” industries in Taiwan. Among them, semiconductor foundry is the most influential and the current world #1 Taiwan industry. Taiwan government, industry and academia debated whether loosening the regulation for foundries to invest in China in the past three years. Personally witnessing the development of the foundry industry in both China and Taiwan, I truly believe that the Taiwan and Chinese foundry industry together, can build a world dominant industry, which belongs to all Chinese, with a proper collaboration model. Michael Porter’s theories are classical research frameworks, which provide guidelines for competitive analysis project such as this. However, the judgments, supported by industry data, after carefully examining Chinese and Taiwanese foundry industries with Porter’s model were nevertheless rather subjective. As a 16-year veteran of semiconductor industry, I hope my insights into the foundry industry can help this research result going to the way as less subjective as possible. This research focus on competitiveness of Chinese and Taiwanese foundries from the perspectives of an industry, rather than from a more comprehensive aspect to cover political, national defense, social and labor issues. The conclusion, perhaps, could be different with all the aspects included; nevertheless, the competitiveness of the industries stays the same. By applying Porter’s model presented in “Competitive Advantage of Nations”, this research concluded that Chinese and Taiwanese semiconductor foundry industries share the equivelant growth momentums in the next five years. The two industries focus on different market segments. Chinese foundries mainly provide matured mainstream technologies, while the Taiwanese foundries drive market by advanced technologies. If the two industries compete with each other, Taiwan companies will inevitably lose their market shares in the matured technology segment. However, we anticipate the two work together towards a shared goal - to dominate the global semiconductor foundry business - by allying foundries on both sides of Taiwan Strait. This research does not provide advices to Taiwan industry on sustaining its leadership in the foundry industry, nor does it discuss how to better utilize the existing infrastructure and resources the Taiwanese foundry industry established over the years. After a few years, as China becomes more influential in the foundry industry, perhaps these topics would be concerns of parties such as industry, government, academia and research institutes.en-US晶圓代工semiconductor foundry海峽兩岸晶圓代工業競爭力比較分析thesis