2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714886he School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy of National Taiwan University (NTU-PT) was founded in 1967 as the first bachelor program of physical therapy in Taiwan. Over the past four decades, the faculty members, students, and alumni of the NTU-PT have dedicated themselves in every aspect to promote the development of physical therapy (PT) profession in Taiwan. In the aspect of education, NTU-PT has installed the first bachelor, master, and doctoral PT programs, and has assisted in the establishment of several PT schools in Taiwan. It will launch the advanced doctor of PT (DPT) program in 2013 as a preceding step to the future entry-level DPT program. This is considered the pioneer clinical education program in Asia. NTU-PT has dedicated to achieve excellence in research. The faculty members have collaborated with multi-disciplinary experts to develop qualitative and quantitative assessments for clinical use, as well as to investigate the effectiveness of PT intervention for clinical and subclinical populations. The faculty members and students have actively participated in academic conferences and have published extensively in prestigious journals. NTU-PT has strived to enhance the autonomy of physical therapists in clinical practice. There are two clinical sites at the National Taiwan University Hospital including: the Physical Therapy Division of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department (NTUH-PMR) and the Physical Therapy Center (PTC). These two clinical affiliations provide complementary clinical internship training to our undergraduate and graduate students. Aging society, low fertility, inactivity, non-infectious diseases and inequality of healthcare resources are important health issues in the 21th century that will lead to a substantial increase in the demand and the quality of PT services. The World Confederation for Physical Therapy has advocated that the new scope of PT will consist of health promotion, disease prevention, impairment treatment, and disability rehabilitation. The faculty members, students, and alumni of NTU-PT are dedicated to work in collaboration to redirect the content and focus of our education to meet these challenges!物理治療係利用聲、電、水、冷、熱、力、光等物理因子來預防、鑑別、評估、治療病患,並改善機能損傷及功能障礙之醫療專業,是結合科學與藝術的醫療專業。 1967年台大醫學院經由世界衛生組織之協助,在醫技系成立物理治療組,為亞洲國家最早之學士級物理治療師養成教育課程。1970年與職能治療組合併為復健醫學系。1992年兩組分別獨立設系,而本組正式更名為物理治療學系。於1997年設立亞洲國家第一所物理治療學研究所,本系再度更為物理治療學系暨研究所,招收碩士班研究生,並於2004年增設博士班。 本系於2006年1月16日正式遷入位於徐州路的台大公衛學院3樓。 本系師資陣容堅強,目前本系之系主任為曹昭懿教授,共有專任教師17名、兼任教師11名。教師具博士學位24名、碩士學位3名、學士學位1名。教師專長包括骨科、神經科、復健科、小兒科、呼吸循環系統、運動醫學等臨床專才以及生物力學、動作控制、老人醫學、社區復健、長期照護、早期療育、運動科技、心肺功能、體適能、公共衛生、職業醫學、醫學工程等研究專才。Physical TherapyAcademic Institute