2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715303OBJECTIVE AND MISSION:The Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (RIHSS) was established in January 2012 by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST; formerly the National Science Council) of Taiwan, with the mission to integrate cross-disciplinary cooperation in research of the humanities and social sciences. The main goals of RIHSS are to support academic research, provide services to academic communities, cultivate junior scholars, and promote the development of the humanities and social sciences. These goals are served in part by recruiting post-doctoral scholars, sponsoring academic research projects and activities, integrating databases, ranking and evaluating academic journals, and publishing research results. To promote interaction between domestic and international research communities, funding for outstanding foreign scholars to visit the RIHSS is also provided. HISTORY:The two predecessors to the RIHSS, the Center for Humanities Research of National Taiwan University (NTU) and the Social Sciences Research Center of Academic Sinica, traced its history back to 1999. During the period from 1999 to 2011, the two centers achieved initial success by providing consultation, financial support, accessible infrastructure, and services to the local academic community. The RIHSS assumes responsibilities to further integrate and coordinate the humanities and social sciences onwards.宗旨:科技部 (前「行政院國家科學委員會」)為了統整人文及社會科學的跨領域密切合作,以促進國內人文及社會科學之卓越化,於民國101年1月補助「人文社會科學研究中心」(以下簡稱本中心)。 任務:本中心以促進學術研究之卓越化為主要任務,學術服務為輔。學術研究以面向全國、培養新進研究人才、提高臺灣人文社會科學之全面水準為首要目標;學術服務項目包括有諮詢與服務、資料庫整合、學術期刊評鑑、學術專書出版等,也與國內其他學術機構廣泛合作,為培養學術人才、提高臺灣整體研究水準共同努力,並邀請國外優秀學者前來演講與進駐,強化臺灣與國際學界的交流,促進本土人才成長。 源起:本中心的創始前身為民國88年所成立的「人文學研究中心」與「社會科學研究中心」(以下簡稱兩中心),分別補助國立臺灣大學及中央研究院,目的皆是在提升國內人文及社會科學之學術水準與研究品質。兩中心在這12年當中經歷了兩個階段(每階段六年),已經初步完成多項階段性任務,包括國內人文及社會科學之學術期刊資料庫雛型建置、學門前瞻研究學術報告、培育年輕學者研習、推動專書補助等有助於人文及社會科學研究長遠發展之規劃案。相信未來在本中心的統整與跨領域合作之下,將更能發揮研究規劃、統整協調、與專業諮詢等學術功能。Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (RIHSS)