台灣大學日本語文學系助理教授Assistant Professor, Department of Japanese Language and Literature, National Taiwan University洪瑟君2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292016-061609-8978日本近代的南方風潮中, 許多作家、文人前往南方並留下大量與南方相關的作品及紀錄。作家高見順也是其中之一。他在昭和十年代曾有兩次前往南洋的經驗, 第一次是在昭和十一年的一月至五月,與友人三雲祥之助同行前往當時的荷屬東印度旅遊, 另一次是昭和十六年十二月至十八年一月,以徵用作家的身份被派遣至緬甸,經歷一年多的隨軍生活。以此次的隨軍派遣為契機,高見順再次開始撰寫在第一次的南洋行之後因回到內地而一度中斷的日記,同時,藉由這段隨軍的南洋體驗, 高見順也寫下《緬甸記》、〈緬甸雜記〉、〈緬甸的印象〉等大量的作品。 本文將以高見順的徵用期作品為探討對象, 配合當時的時代背景並對照高見順於同時期所撰寫的日記,探討高見順在其徵用期作品裡所呈現出的南方言說及其意義。In Japan's modern history of the Southern trend, many writers and scholars headed to the South and left lots of works and records associated with the South. Writer Jyun Takami was one of them. He had two trips to the Southeast Asia in the Showa generation, the first trip to Dutch East Indies with his friend Syounosuke Mikumo from January to May, the 16th year of the Showa Generation. The second trip was to Myanmar for 1 years of military life as a dispatched writer from December, the 16th year to January, the 18th year of Showa Generation. During the period of conscription, Jyun Takami wrote lots of works such as “Burma Note”, “Miscellaneous Notes of Burma”, and “the Impression of Burma”. Using Takami's associated works which were written during the period of conscription as the discussion topic, this paper, on the back of the prevailing era, will compare Takami's published works with his private diaries and analyze the discourse about the South in his works.1171186 bytesapplication/pdf高見順《高見順日記》?用作家緬甸Jyun TakamiJyunTakami's Diariesdispatched writerBurma (Myanmar)高見順的南洋作品探究――以與《高見順日記》的比較為探討中心(Ⅱ)――Exploration of Jyun Takami's Southern Works--- Comparison With Jyun Takami's Dairies (2)---journal article10.6183/NTUJP.2016.31.50