陳書梅2019-04-252019-04-252016https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/405893「未來生涯發展」係大學生壓力源之首。而身為圖像閱讀世代的大學生,常藉由觀賞電影紓解壓力與負面情緒。有鑑於此,筆者乃運用內容分析法,分析網路上與生涯發展主題相關的電影簡介及網友的觀後心得,得知電影《白日夢冒險王》能激勵觀影者勇敢追尋人生夢想與個人未來的生涯發展方向,獲得許多網友的推薦。之後,筆者透過人脈關係,邀請一名因生涯發展目標不明而衍生徬徨、迷惘等負面情緒的二年級女大學生,觀賞本片,並對其進行半結構式深度訪談。研究結果顯示,此部電影能使受訪者獲得認同、淨化、領悟之情緒療癒效用,最終得以勇敢面對現實、積極探索個人生涯目標。準此,大學生因生涯發展目標不明而感到困擾時,可透過觀賞電影《白日夢冒險王》,舒緩負面情緒;同時,大學院校導師、任課教師或心理輔導中心之專業老師,亦可運用此部電影為媒介輔導學生;而無論大學圖書館或公共圖書館,皆可將此片納入電影館藏資源,並舉辦電影讀書會與座談會,以嘉惠更多困惑於生涯發展目標不明的當事者。When emotionally disturbed, some students watch movies to relieve their negative emotions. Movie therapy functions by assisting emotionally disturbed subjects to recover from unpleasant moods through the use of appropriate movies. Career development is the most critical cause of stress for college students. Using the content analysis method for analyzing the introductory passages of movies related to career development and user reviews, this study determined that The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is highly recommended by viewers because it inspires them to chase their dreams and career development. Therefore, this study invited a second-year female college student who was unsure of her career development and experiencing related negative emotions to watch this movie; subsequently, a semi-structured in-depth interview was conducted with her. The research findings show that the student identified with this movie and experienced an emotional healing effect of identification, catharsis and insight. Ultimately, the student was emboldened to face her current circumstances and actively explored her career goals. This study suggests university libraries to include this movie in their collection and collaborate with career counselling units of their universities to organize film screenings and forums, therefore assisting students who are anxious over their career prospects and plans.大學生生涯發展書目療法情緒療癒電影療法BibliotherapyCareer DevelopmentCinema TherapyEmotional HealingMovie TherapyUndergraduate困惑於生涯發展目標不明的大學生之情緒療癒素材探討-以電影《白日夢冒險王》為例journal article