2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714723Introduction The Department, within the College of Social Sciences, was originally a division of the Department of Sociology which was founded in July 1960. In 1973, in response to the increasing social problems and the needs for the social work professional, the Department of Sociology officially set up a Social Work Division. Social work relevant courses such as social work and social welfare theories, social work methods, social policies, social work practice and practicum were offered in the Division. In 1981, the Social Work Division, though still under the Department of Sociology, was turned into an officially separate program responsible for its own recruitment, core faculty, and curriculum. In August 2002, due to the efforts of many, the Social Work Division successfully emerged into a more professionally appropriate position by detaching itself from the Department of Sociology and was named the Department of Social Work. At present, the Department of Social Work provides both graduate and undergraduate programs, offering Ph.D., MSW, and BSW degree. The doctoral program was formally established in 2006, and the admission officially began in 2007. Educational Objectives BSW: Program goals are as follows: 1) to prepare students with social work knowledge and skills, 2) to address issues and problems of the environment, 3) to apply knowledge and skills with vulnerable populations. MSW: Program goals are as follows: 1) to identify the differences between social work direct services and welfare policy and administration, 2) to develop advanced skills in problem analyses and solution, 3) to become advanced  social work professionals. Ph.d. : Program goals are as follows: 1) to train leaders and researchers who are able to integrate cross-disciplinary viewpoints and conduct research independently, 2) to improve the art and science of the social work by generating, disseminating, and conserving the theoretical and methodolgical knowledge, 3) to acquire international perspectives on social work education.社會大眾對社會工作系的想像,不外乎是在訓練出有愛心、富同情心的助人工作者,然而臺大社會工作學系卻不僅止於此,我們是以訓練學生「對社會需求具有高敏感度、並透過專業技巧、以求社會正義落實」為教育目標,並作為系所發展的主要方向。社工系(簡稱)創立的基礎,即在於藉著研究與實地參與,回應社會中各種弱勢族群所面臨的問題。 社工系將自己定位為「行動者」的角色,他們對社會中的弱勢族群不能僅止於關心,而是要捲起袖子、陪伴他們共同解決問題。因此社工系尤其重視培養學生的行動力與實作能力,我們相信,「哪裡有需求、哪兒就有社工。」社工系透過實際行動,解決社會問題,以落實社會正義。到目前為止,社工系已培養出為數眾多的社工師及社工專業領導人才,對於台灣社會福利的發展,功不可沒。 社會工作學系原為社會學系社會工作組。社會學系於1981年獲准分組招生,分為社會學組、社會工作組,其中社會工作組於2002年正式調整成立學系,以培養社會工作專業人才為教育宗旨,設有大學部、碩士班與博士班。 大學部注重基礎學理訓練,除了基礎專業知識的教導外,同樣重視社會迫切需要的實務訓練,所以學生均須完成至少400小時的校外實習。社工系碩士班則以進階專業知識訓練為主,以培育知識與能力兼具的社會福利行政、研究及社會工作專業人才為目標。博士班則是以培養高階社會工作和社會政策實務工作、以及社會工作與社會福利等相關領域之教學和研究人才為主。 為強化學生的國際觀與經驗,社工系除了與海外多所大學社會工作學院簽定合作協議外,也與美國伊利諾大學香檳分校簽定暑期實習合作備忘錄,透過嚴格的甄選制度,讓學士班與碩士班學生到美國當地機構實習,除了學習專業知識,也藉此機會學習當地文化與福利制度。社工系博士班學生在取得博士學位前,也需前往國外學術單位進行短期研究或研習,以借鏡國際、擴展研究新視野。 社工系在教學中,除了專業能力的培養,也鼓勵學生能大膽探索自己的興趣,並將社工系最強調的溝通協調、團隊合作、解決問題、同理心、對社會議題的敏感度,以及利他精神等價值,帶入未來從事的任何行業中。 在臺灣社工界,臺大社會工作學系具有舉足輕重的地位。社工系不只在社會的最前線協助解決問題;我們更從社會問題的根本著手,推動國家政策、社工系教授先後投身公部門,擔任福利制度改革的政務官,期待創造更有利於弱勢生存的臺灣社會。Social WorkAcademic Institute