Chu, M. C.M. C.ChuYU-NING GETsai, C. C.C. C.Tsai2023-04-252023-04-252022-01-01 low-pla stic soils were thought to be liquefia ble due to the ea rthqua kes. In this study, a modified equa tion wa s proposed to model the excess pore wa ter pressure genera tion of low-pla stic soils. The wa ter-wa shing method wa s a dopted to produce silts with va rying pla sticity index from the soil in northern Ta iwa n. Nea r 30 cyclic tria xia l test da ta on in -situ silts a nd qua rtz powder (non-pla stic silt) with va rying fa ctors, including pla sticity index (PI), effective consolida tion stress (σ'p) a nd cyclic stress ra tio (CSR), were a dopted to observe the pore wa ter pressure genera tion beha viour of soils. The excess pore wa ter pressure genera tion of low-pla stic soils fa il to rea ch unity in excess pore wa ter pressure ra tio (ru) under the sta nda rd of double a mplitude (DA) 5%. The model modified from the previous resea rch wa s proposed to simula te the excess pore wa ter pressure. The ra nge of best-fit pa ra meter simula ting pore wa ter pressure of low-pla stic soils were suggested for the user to predict pore wa ter pressure genera tion.The modified model for normalized excess pore water pressure generation curves of low-plastic soils from the northern Taiwanconference paper2-s2.0-85138479917