黃恆獎臺灣大學:國際企業學研究所謝孟修Hsieh, Meng-ShiowMeng-ShiowHsieh2007-11-282018-06-292007-11-282018-06-292006http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/60268網路基礎設施的迅速發展和改善, 結合與分享的趨勢, 徹底改變音樂的創造和分佈交流的速度,進一步帶領數位音樂達到更高的巔峰。當音樂發行由傳統方式轉變成為數位化, 引起的熱潮使得更多和更寬廣的音樂愛好者和使用者來運用數位音樂。 在現階段大部分的美觀燈都集中於數位音樂和MP3版權何合法等議題。 而大眾所認知的道德及可隨意交換音樂的後續相關問題。 另一方面, 普及化的MP3 數位音樂應用被指責為讓音樂下載和分享成為有爭議的海盜行為問題圍攏著網際網路。 本項研究是從技術接受模型引伸而來 (TAM) Davis et al, (1989) 。技術接受模型提供對新技術的採納和用法水平的二個最顯要的因素: 被察覺的有用性, 和被察覺的易用性。由其它因素例如從心理學角度(TRA)來看待接受新的技術,然而我們提出新的假說針對與數位音樂。 關於在技術接受模型的態度和消費者的分享行為之間來做測試。 修改過的模型能知道技術接受模型和被開發以二個主要宗旨。 首先, 它應該改進理論的價值及加強行理解用戶使用上的行為何意願, 提供理論洞察。 第二, 修改過的模型應該提供一個理論依據的使用者模仿效果來求證分析可能的分享行為。 研究運用勘測格式提取資料,過LISERL 軟體來分析使用。The rapid development and improvement of the network infrastructure, coupled with the increasing trend of sharing, is radically changing the way music is created and distributed and further taking it into another stage. As the traditional way of music distribution evolves into digitalization, the new means of distribution draw an even bigger and wider scope of music enthusiasts and users. Digital music and digital contents and information are becoming ubiquitous driven by the widespread of high speed broadband. The spotlight would be on the public acceptance of this digital music and the MP3 exchanging issues behind. On the other hand, the widespread of digitalized MP3 music had placed the blame on free music downloading and sharing on the internet which is surrounded by controversial piracy issues. This study is an extension of the technology acceptance model (TAM) by Fred Davis et al, (1989). TAM provides the two most influential factors that dictate the acceptance and usage level of new technology: the perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use. By integrating other factors from the psychological side theory of planned behavior (TRA) that accept new technology, new hypotheses are being brought up. The relationship between the technology acceptance model attitude and consumer’s sharing behavior are tested. The modified model could be known as the integrated model of technology acceptance and is developed with two major objectives. First, it should improve our understanding of user acceptance behavior, providing theoretical insights on attitude and intention. Secondly, the integrated model should provide a theoretical basis using analysis approach that would enable to simulate the possible sharing behaviors. The research utilized survey format to extract data, which was in turn analyzed using the LISERL software.Abstact 2 Table of Contents 4 Lists of Figures 6 List of Tables 7 Chapter 1 Introduction 8 1.1 Motivation and Background 8 1.2 The Emergence of MP3 9 1.3 Research Purpose 14 1.4 Organization of Thesis 15 Chapter 2 Literature Review 16 2.1 Technology Acceptance Model 16 2.2 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 18 2.3 Theory of Reasoned Action 21 2.4 Theory of Planned Behavior 22 2.5 Flow 24 2.6 Self-Efficacy 27 2.7 Risk of Downloading and Sharing 30 2.8 Intellectual Property Rights 33 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 37 3.1 Research Framework 37 3.2 Research Hypotheses 39 3.3 Sampling and Measurments 45 3.3.1 Design of the Questionnaires 45 3.3.2 Research Variable and Measurements 47 3.4 Statistical Approach 51 Chapter 4 Empirical Results 53 4.1 Sample Profiles 53 4.2 Goodness of-fit Indices 61 4.3 Results of Measurement Model 63 4.3.1 Evaluation of the Reliability 66 4.4 Results of Structural Model 70 4.5 Verifying the Hypotheses 72 4.6 Discussion 77 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Implications 82 5.1 Major Findings 84 5.2 Research Limitation 84 5.3 Direction for Future studies 85 Reference 87 Appendix A: Chinese Version of Survey 93 Appendix B: English Version of Survey 97en-US技術接受模型被察覺的有用性被察覺的易用性計畫性行為理論數位音樂.Technology Acceptance ModelPerceived UsefulnessTheory of Planned BehaviorTheory of Reasoned ActionDigital Music.技術接受模型之應用:以MP3數位音樂為例The Application of Technology Acceptance Model on MP3 Digital Musicthesis