法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 王皇玉陳盈睿Chen, Ying-RueiYing-RueiChen2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273333本文是以刑法第235條散布猥褻物品罪為主要研究對象。散布猥褻物品罪涉及憲法言論自由的限制,因此本文首先探討猥褻言論可否主張言論自由的保護。本文對言論自由的理論基礎採表現自我說,因此認為,一切性言論均可主張言論自由的保護,毋庸特別將猥褻言論排除在外。依此見解,刑法第235條即構成對言論自由的干預,自應通過法律保留原則、法律明確性原則、比例原則的檢驗。 散布猥褻物品罪的保護法益為何,有極大爭議。相關見解可以整理歸納為五種取徑:道德、兒童及青少年身心健康、個人主體性的憲法價值、性自主前置化保護、性資訊接收自主權。依本文分析,道德、個人主體性的憲法價值、性自主前置化保護、性資訊接收自主權這四種觀點均有論理上難以克服的缺陷。本文認為,依據憲法第156條、釋字第623號解釋及第664號解釋、兒童權利公約第17條第2項e款的意旨,國家在兒童保護方面應扮演較為積極的角色,也不能忽略兒童與成人的本質上差異性。由於實證研究已指出色情資訊有害兒童身心健康,除非有確實科學證據加以推翻,否則本文認為以兒童及青少年身心健康作為保護法益的觀點,應可予以支持。 如何對散布猥褻物品罪的行為客體「猥褻物品」建立一個明確的判斷標準,向來是一個極度困難的問題。我國早期實務見解是以性慾的刺激或滿足為其核心內涵,其後釋字第407號解釋進一步增加冒犯性的審酌,並強調猥褻物品應與藝術性、醫學性、教育性出版品加以區隔,最後釋字第617號解釋提出統一見解,以釋字第407號解釋為基礎,將猥褻物品區分為硬蕊猥褻物品與軟蕊猥褻物品,並異其禁止密度。比較法上,美國聯邦最高法院在嘗試建立猥褻言論判斷標準的過程中,著有Roth、Memoirs、Miller等諸多標竿性判決。本文認為,若散布猥褻物品罪的保護法益為兒童及青少年的身心健康,則猥褻物品的判斷應參考色情傷害兒童的實證研究,以色情資訊作為猥褻物品的核心內涵。 在本文保護兒童及青少年身心健康的觀點下,散布猥褻物品行為唯有以兒童及青少年為散布對象,方具可罰性,而現行法卻沒有對散布對象為任何限縮,恐有違憲之虞。本文建議,立法論上,散布猥褻物品罪的構成要件必須將散布對象限縮為未滿18歲之人。在此構成要件下,若行為人於散布猥褻物品時有採取適當安全隔絕措施,將未滿18歲之人排除於可能接觸的範圍,即可免責。關於何謂適當安全隔絕措施,本文認為必須視乘載色情資訊的媒體類型而定。就出版品及錄影節目帶、電影、廣播電視節目、廣播電台節目、電話服務等傳統媒體而言,實施分區管制而區隔傳播對象較為容易。但就網際網路而言,基於網際網路的匿名性、無界線性等特殊性質,實施分區管制而區隔傳播對象則較為困難。網路色情的管制模式,可分為分區管制解決模式及過濾解決模式兩種,本文認為法律上應採分區管制解決模式,由色情網站經營者承擔阻絕未滿18歲之人接觸的義務,但這項義務的具體內涵會取決於資訊科技水準的高低。This thesis is a research mainly on Article 235 of the R.O.C. Criminal Law, which makes it a crime to disseminate obscene materials. Because the proscription of the dissemination of obscene materials implicates restrictions on the freedom of speech proctected by the Constitution, it is necessary, at the outset, to discuss whether obscenity is within the scope of constitutionally protected speech. In this thesis, the author takes the “self-fufillment” approach as to why free speech is proctected, and therefore proposes that all forms of sexually-oriented speech should enjoy free speech protection, regardless of whether it is obscene or not. Accordingly, the proscription of the dissemination of obscene materials necessarily constitutes an interference with the exercise of the freedom of speech, and is therefore subject to constitutional scrutinies such as the Prescribed by Law Test, the Forseeability Test, and the Proportionality Test. The exact justification for proscribing the dissemination of obscene materials has been a highly controversial issue. In general, there are five approaches to this question: proctection of moral, protecting the well-being of minors, protecting human dignity, preventing the induction of sexual crimes, and protecting unwilling captive audiences. According to this thesis’ analysis, the first, the third, the fourth, and the fifth approach are all unpersuasive. In the author’s opinion, in light of Article 156 of the R.O.C. Constitution, Judicial Interpretation No. 623 and No. 664, and Article 17(2)(e) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the state is deemed to play a more active role regarding the protection of children, and should not overlook the fundamental differences between an adult and a minor. Because imperical studies have shown that pornography does have detrimental effects on minors, in the absence of substantial scientific rebuttals, it is reasonable to conclude that protecting minors against these harms should suffice a legitimate justification for proscribing the dissemination of obscene materials. Estabishing an unequivocal test for determining legal “obscenity” has always been an intractable task. Initially, the legal test for obscenity assumed by the R.O.C. courts focused mainly on whether the material has the effect of inducing lustful thoughts. Later on, Judicial Interpretation No. 407 added the “offensiveness” element to the legal obscenity test, and also emphasized on discerning obscenity from publications with artistic, medical, or educational merit. A few years later, Judicial Interpreation No. 617 finally established a landmark decision for the legal obscenity test. On the basis of the No. 407 test, No. 617 further divided obscenity into two categories----“hard-core” obscenity and “soft-core” obscenity, and, upon this seperation, placed different regulation rules on each category. As to comparative studies, the U.S. Supreme Court had made landmark decicions such as the Roth Test, the Memoirs Test, and the Miller Test in its attempt to establish the legal obscenity test. This thesis proposes that, if we take the child protection approach as being the justification for proscribing the dissemination of obscene materials, then the legal obscenity test should adhere to the definition of “pornography” described in the imperical studies on how pornography harms children. Under the child protection approach, the dissemination of obscene materials will be punishable only under the condition that the recipient is, or may possibly be, a minor. In this sense, Article 235 of the R.O.C. Criminal Law, making it a crime to disseminate obscene materials anyhow regardless of whether the recipient is or could be a minor, has a high chance of being condemned as unconstitutionally overbroad. This thesis suggests that Article 235 of the R.O.C. Criminal Law should be amended to a more narrowly-tailored form, under which only when the recipient is or could be a minor will the purveyor of obscene materials be punished. Under this legislation, if the purveyor took necessary steps in preventing minors from gaining access to the obscene materials, he will be immune from criminal sanctions. As to the question of what exactly suffices a “necessary step” for immunity, this thesis proposes that this question turns on the type of “media” by which the purveyor disseminates his obscene materials. In traditional types of media such as publications, caset tapes, movies, broadcast television, broadcast radio, or telephone, zoning obscene materials and discriminating the recipients is relatively easy. But in cyberspace, its anonymity and borderlessness makes zoning obscene materials and discriminating the recipients quite difficult. There are two types of regulatory models regarding the regulation of internet pornography----the “zoning” solution and the “filtering” solution. In the author’s opinion, the zoning solution is a more legislatively feasible solution, which means the onus of preventing minors from gaining access to internet pornography should be placed on the transmitter, not the receiver. But also note that, what types of blocking method can be sufficient to discharge criminal liability necessarily depends on the development of information technology.2480170 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/7/6論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)散布猥褻物品罪言論自由猥褻言論釋字第407號解釋釋字第617號解釋網路色情Dissemination of Obscene MaterialsFreedom of SpeechObscenityJudicial Interpretation No. 407Judicial Interpretation No. 617Internet Pornography[SDGs]SDG16猥褻物品刑事管制體系的建構Constructing the Regulatory Scheme of Obscene Materials in Criminal Lawthesis10.6342/NTU201600367http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273333/1/ntu-105-R02a21067-1.pdf