2018-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681142摘要:「影片配音」意指為影片加入聲音的過程。此教學計劃旨在探究影片配音任務對英語口語能力、個別差異因素(英語演講焦慮、英語溝通意願、英語口說自我效能)以及團體動力之影響。研究者首先將兩班的大學生分配到配音組或對照組,在第一學期期初,兩組學生會先完成前測,內容包含四項量表及第一份英語口說測驗。接下來,配音組將以小組為單位,完成二次影片配音任務,每次的過程包含(1)挑選英語影片,(2)移除原始音軌,(3)演練影片對話,(4)製作新音檔,(5)合併影片及新音檔,(6)線上繳交合併檔,及(7)現場配音。對照組除觀賞英語影片外,無額外任務。在第一學期期末,兩組學生會完成期中測驗(四項量表及第二份英語口說測驗)。第二學期,配音組將完成另外二次影片配音任務;而對照組同樣僅觀賞英語影片。在第二學期期末,兩組學生會完成後測(四項量表及第三份英語口說測驗),同時,配音組中的15位學將參與訪談。量表回應及英語口說資料將透過共變數分析進行資料剖析;訪談謄本則將透過質化方式進行探索。根據此教學計劃案成果,研究者將提出將影片配音任務融入英語課程之方式,藉此減輕造成英語學習成效不彰之三項因素:語言練習機會不足、個別差異因素未受考慮、同儕互動情境過少。<br> Abstract: Video-dubbing represents the process of substituting voices and sound effects for the existing soundtrack of a full-length video or a selected video segment. In the context of foreign/second language (L2) learning, this particular application of video technology has found scholarly endorsement and theoretical support for its potential in contributing favorably to the learning processes and outcomes in myriad manners. However, despite the scholarly and theoretical support, only fragmented efforts have hitherto been made to examine the effects of completing video-dubbing tasks on L2 learning performance and the extant studies have mostly been limited to an extent due to their research design. This project, in response, proposes to conduct a longitudinal study that involves both an experimental group and a comparison group to investigate the short-term and long-term effects of video-dubbing tasks on L2 speaking proficiency and explore their influences on selected individual difference variables [i.e., English public speaking anxiety (EPSA), willingness to communicate in English (WTCE), self-efficacy in English speaking (SEES)] and a social dimension of language learning [i.e., classroom group dynamics (CGD)]. Two intact classes of Taiwanese EFL college students will be recruited for this two-semester project and randomly assigned to either the experimental group (i.e., the dubbing group) or the comparison group. At the beginning of first semester, both groups will take a pre-test by responding to the four self-report scales (i.e., the EPSA scale, the WTCE scale, the SEES scale, and the CGD scale) and a General English Proficiency Test – Intermediate Level Speaking Test (GEPTI-S). Next, the dubbing group will complete two video-dubbing tasks, for each of which they, in groups, will (1) select a video clip, (2) remove the original soundtrack, (3) rehearse the monologues and dialogues, (4) create a new soundtrack, (5) combine the video clip with the new soundtrack, (6) submit the dubbed video clip, and (7) perform the live dubbing in class. In contrast, during the weeks when the dubbing group performs live dubbing, the comparison group will watch movies in the target language. At the conclusion of the first semester, both groups will take the interim test consisting of the four self-report scales and the second set of GEPTI-S. In the second semester, the dubbing group will complete another two video-dubbing tasks, whereas the comparison group will watch two more movies. Finally, as the second semester draws to an end, both groups will finish the post-test comprising the four self-report scales and the third set of GEPTI-S, and 15 students from the dubbing group will attend semi-structured interviews to vocalize their video-dubbing experience. The quantitative data collected from the self-report scales and the three sets of GEPTI-S will be submitted to ANCOVA operations while the interview transcripts will be analyzed qualitatively. The findings derived in this project will allow the principal investigator to propose a model for incorporating video-dubbing tasks into L2 classrooms to ameliorate the three issues anecdotally observed to contribute to the inefficient L2 learning, i.e., scarce language practice opportunities, limited attention to individual difference variables, and insufficient social interactions.影片配音英語學習成效個別差異因素團體動力video-dubbingEnglish learningindividual difference variablesgroup dynamics影片配音任務對英語學習成效之影響=Exploring the Utility of Video-Dubbing Tasks in Promoting English Learning