國立臺灣大學中國文學系Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University.李錫鎮2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292011-061013-2422http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282472鮑照樂府詩的獨特風格很早就受到重視,其最為人所樂道,且在文學史上評價甚高的樂府詩,應是仿古一類的作品。鮑照的仿古樂府詩,既是擬歌辭又為仿擬之作,那麼究竟遵循怎樣的製作慣例?若同類型樂府歌辭會有相似的表現特徵或風格樣貌,是否可以經由其仿擬對象的參照比較,區辨出鮑照仿古樂府詩的獨特風格?古人用「遒麗」、「俊逸」描述鮑照樂府詩的風格,若是信而有徵,如何透過篇章的分析作較充分的解釋? 本文將辨察樂府詩的文類特性,追溯文人擬歌辭的寫作傳統,從這兩方面探討鮑照仿古樂府詩所採用的慣例,並進而說明有那些新變成分,促使仿擬之作得以突顯作者的個人風格。The unique style of Bao Zhao’s Yue-fu poems has received wide attention in early China. His poems in the syle of ancient Yue-fu poems are the most popular ones, winning much critical acclaim in the Chinese literary history. These poems are notable for their similar characteristics to lyrics, but in the meantime the writing conventions that Bao Zhao has followed are not very clear. It is supposed that all Yue-fu poems have the same characteristics, so only after distinguishing them can we specify the style of Bao Zhao’s Yue-fu poems. By comparing them with the poems that he has imitated, we can properly analyze his poems and provide a detailed explanation for critics’ using “vigorous” and “free and uninhibited” to describe his Yue-fu poem style. This study examines the characteristics of Yue-fu poems, traces the writing tradition of Chinese song writing and discusses the writing conventions adopted by Bao Zhao. This study also reveals Bao Zhao’s innovations, which have influenced later poets to have their personal styles when imitating.26361415 bytesapplication/pdf關鍵詞:鮑照、樂府詩、「代」、摹擬、風格Keywords: Bao Zhao, Yue-fu poems,“Dai?(代), imitating, style論鮑照仿古樂府詩的文類慣例與風格特性──由篇題有無「代」字的區辨述起The Genre Convention and the Characteristics of Bao Zhao’s Imitation of Ancient Yue-Fu Poems:Beginning with the Poems Containing the Word“Dai?in the Titlejournal article10.6281/NTUCL.2011.34.04http://dx.doi.org/10.6281/NTUCL.2011.34.04http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282472/1/0034_201106_4.pdf