社會醫學科吳健暉徐歆惠何明蓉WU, CHIEN-HUICHIEN-HUIWUHSU, HSIN-HUIHSIN-HUIHSUHO, MING- JUNGMING- JUNGHO2009-12-232018-07-112009-12-232018-07-112008http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/175105This paper is based on a pilot study for a Ministry of Education sponsored project on medical humanities education. The aim of the study is to investigate the state of medical humanities education in Taiwan covering the academic years 2006 and 2007. The content of the paper is organized into two parts: a curriculum survey and student interviews. The discussion covers the challenges associated with the medical humanities curriculum in Taiwan and proposes suggestions for its future development. The research methodology consisted of three steps. The first was a web search for curriculum information from the eleven medical schools in Taiwan. The second step was a questionnaire survey of the Departments of Medicine at all of the medical schools. The final step was in-depth interviews of medical students enrolled at all of the schools. The study results show that the existing medical humanities courses could be classified into nine domains: introducing the medical humanities, the patient doctor relationship, medicine and literature, medicine and history, medicine and arts, medicine and society, cultural competence, social service and career planning. The in-depth interviews were able to further point out the strengths and weaknesses of current curricula and should serve as reference for future curriculum developers.本篇論文為執行「醫學專業教育之人文社會教育提升」先導計畫的成果,重點在於研 究國內醫學人文課程95及96學年概況。內容主要分為開課調查及各校醫學生深度訪談 兩部份,最後綜合討論目前國內醫學人文教育的困境與未來發展的建議。本研究方法 分為三階段。第一階段蒐集國內十一所醫學院校網站上的課程資訊;第二階段先設計 出一份問卷,再請十一個醫學系填寫該問卷,以提供各校醫學人文課程現況;第三階 段從各校抽樣一名醫學生進行深度訪談。開課調查顯示各校課程可分為九大類:(1) 醫學人文概論、(2)醫病關係、(3)醫學與文學、(4)醫學與歷史、(5)醫學與藝術、(6 )醫療與社會、(7)文化能力、(8)社會服務、(9)生涯規劃。醫學生深度訪談進一步指 出醫學人文課程之優缺點,以供未來相關課程發展參考。en-USmedical humanities curriculumcurriculum surveystudent interview[SDGs]SDG3The Medical Humanities Curriculum in Taiwan: Curriculum Survey and Student Interviews臺灣醫學人文課程現況研究:開課調查與學生訪談