2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714877The establishment of this institute corresponds to the demand of five core knowledge cultivation for the talent fostering education in public health. In addition to corresponding to the demand of Taiwan society, the College of Public Health drafted a long-term program at the initial foundation in 1993 to establish an behavior and social science related institute in the future. After establishing the college for nearly 20 years, the “Health Policy and Management Institute” among the four institutes has accumulated considerable teaching and search achievement and energy in ther development of social and behavior science field which is sufficient to take one big step in forming an independent institute on the organizational level with unique and distinguished disciplinary quality, thereby to conduct interdisciplinary research with characteristics of professional domain. The “Healthy Policy and Management Institute” of College of Public Health includes “Health Promotion” and “Health Industry” in academic expertise and organizational framework. In particular, colleagues of health promotion group are further divided into more sophisticated professional differentiation, which is further attributed to the domains of “Health Policy” and “Health Behavior.” The later has accumulated resources and is equipped with disciplinary quality that is the foundation to the graduate institute. The quality of domains for the institute even includes and implements the implications and concept of previously stressed health promotion. Once the institute has been established, the previous health policy domain will more closely integrate with the “health industry group,” highlighting the disciplinary quality of policy and management. In general, such discipline and organization are added and reshaped to conform to the historic evolution of globally top college of public health and the trends in professional division of labor. The institute was officially established for 2015 academic year. Mission The educational objective of this institute includes the follows: “develop professional talents equipped with social ecology and multi-layer system perspectives, quality of changing personal and group behaviors, community intervention and capacity to effectiveness evaluation, and translational and communication skills, in order to promote the national health conforming to social justice.” Although the basis of the institute in terms of organization history consists of the previous “Behavior Science” of “Health Promotion Group” in “Health Policy and Management Institute,” the key development after the establishment substantially differs from the previous context. In particular, the most critical difference lines on the emphasis of the institute: (1) processing impact of environmental structural factors on personal behaviors and health from the perspective of social ecology (2) Implement community units for personal and environmental change and (3) Exceeding the previous personally attributed behaviors with objectives of change in order to progress towards the talent based personal and collective behavior change. Moreover, the another characteristic of the institute that differs from the “Health behavior” is to translate and communicate the factors that can highly shape personal potential into the key development, thereby becoming the tools in implementing the aforementioned three issues. Orientation and key development of the institute The institute establishes a research team based on the professional knowledge of social science with intense interaction with the basic and clinical medical social groups, in-depth exploration into healthy society, behaviors, biogenetics, and substance environment interaction mechanism to repurpose community health study, foster talents, establish long-term collaboration with the community, developing student health and communication skills, improve health fitness of people and establishing cooperation with international academic social groups, thereby to develop global health research and academic exchange in-depth. The process from social demand to academic evolution shows the potential and mission of subject in behavior and social science for future health and medicine. In reality, the state-of-the-start behavior and social science study now progress towards the study of behavior and social factors, genetics, physical, chemical and biological environmental exposure, and social environmental quality in the in vivo and in vitro connection and interaction of individuals, as well as disease cause, treatment and prevention and the role played in health promotion and quality of life. Such systems approach state-of-the-art research (as shown in Figure 1) must undergo innovation, division of labor, and interaction or organization and institution hierarchy before accomplishing (Mabry, Olster, Morgan, and Abrams, 2008; Green, 2006).本所的設立除了呼應國際對公共衛生專業人才養成教育所要求的五大核心知識的培育,及因應台灣社會的需求之外,在公共衛生學院於1993年成立之初所擬的長程計畫中,原本就已規劃未來將成立行為與社會科學相關之研究所。在本學院設立將近20年後,目前四個研究所當中的「健康政策與管理研究所」在社會與行為科學領域的發展,累積相當可觀的教學與研究成就及能量,足以跨出一大步,形成另一個在組織層級獨立且學門性質更獨特鮮明的機構,從而可以進行具專業領域特色的跨領域研究。 公共衛生學院的「健康政策與管理研究所」在學術專長與組織架構上包括「健康促進」與「健康產業」兩組。其中健康促進組的同仁又按更細緻的專業分殊,進一步歸屬「健康政策」與「健康行為」兩大領域。後者所累積的資源與所具備的學門特質,便是本研究所的基礎。且本所在領域性質上,更能含括並實踐原來所強調健康促進的內涵與理念。而一旦本所設立之後,原先健康政策領域也將與「健康產業組」有更密切的整合,也更能彰顯政策與管理的學門性質。整體來說,這樣的學門及組織增添與重塑,相當符合當今全球頂尖公共衛生學院的歷史演進以及專業分工趨勢。 本所於104學年度正式成立。 健康行為與社區科學研究所的設立宗旨:「培育社會生態與多層級視角、改變個人與群體行為的素養、執行社區介入與成效評估、以及具有轉譯與傳播技能的專業人才,以促進符合社會公正的全民健康。」以此宗旨為依歸,本所期望所培育的人才具有以下的核心能力: (1)具備社會生態與多層級視角的問題分析能力 (2)具備改變個人與群體行為的知識與技能 (3)具備規劃與執行社區介入與成效評估的能力 (4)具備基本的轉譯及傳播技能。Health Behaviors and Community SciencesAcademic Institute