2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715080The rehabilitation training in National Taiwan University Hospital could be traced back to 1958 when American physical therapists were invited to Taiwan to help children suffered from disabilities caused by poliomyelitis. The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R), National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine was established in 1963, which is the first formal rehabilitation institute in Taiwan. For decades, the department offers top-qualified outpatient, inpatient, and specialty services including physical, occupational, speech therapies, as well as prosthetic and orthotic fitting. The department also acts as a service team to integrate patients, physiatrists and therapists, in order to promote the functional recovery of disables. Each year, more than 45,000 patients visit the PM&R clinics and most of them suffer from strokes, brain injury, spinal cord injury, orthopedic injuries, sports injuries and other related disorders. There are also 60 beds available for referrals from acute care units and other healthcare organizations. In addition to clinical services, the PM&R department has a commitment of training and education for fellows, residents, interns, medical students, and students from physical, occupational, and speech therapy departments. The comprehensive training programs make them fulfill the practical and academic requirements of their future careers and cultivate the leadership in their specialty. Moreover, the department dedicates to clinical and basic research regarding new intervention modalities, advanced diagnostic technology, rehabilitation engineering, and other related topics in the field of PM&R. The fruitful results of research lead to numerous publications in international scientific journals. For example, the series research on elastography was published in the best journal of clinical imaging, Radiology. The basic research in physical modalities, including the bioeffects of ultrasound, shockwaves and electricity, also has good publications. The PM&R department is proud of being the leading institution of physical medicine and rehabilitation which provides the best clinical services, medical training and scientific research in Taiwan. The departmental also led many important reformations in Taiwan, including rehabilitation education, international disability classification (ICF), cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, early intervention of disabled children, disability Olympics, and long-term care policies. The department is also famous internationally especially in the research of clinical ultrasound, both diagnostic (musculoskeletal) and therapeutic ones. Each year, numerous foreign doctors visit us to learn musculoskeletal ultrasound. In the future, the department will dedicate in the renew and expansion of facilities, development of subspecialty training, early intervention and generalization of the rehabilitation services in Taiwan.臺大醫院有關復健的教學始於1958年美籍物理治療師來台,協助小兒麻痺復健指導。臺大醫院於1963年設立「物理治療復健部」,為台灣最早之正式復健臨床服務與教學機構。1987年於醫學院另設立醫學院「復健科」;1981年台大醫院「物理治療復健部」更名「復健科」。1991年台大醫院改制為醫學中心,再更名為台大醫院「復健部」迄今。 多年來台大醫院復健部提供台灣最好的復健門診與住院臨床服務,包括物理治療、職能治療、語言治療、義肢裝具等。並扮演整合復健醫師、病人、治療師來促進殘障病患的功能恢復。每年有超過45,000名病患來就診,大部分都是因為中風、腦傷、脊髓損傷、外傷、運動傷害或其他有關的病痛而來。目前病房有60床病床,提供急性病房或其他醫療機構轉床繼續復健之用。 台大醫學院復健科在教學方面,主要提供醫學系五至七年級學生之復健醫學及復健醫學臨床實習(丙)之課程,以及物理治療、職能治療、語言治療與聽力學系(所)學生至本科臨床實習。住院醫師之訓練方面,以培育復健專科醫師為主。住院醫師跟隨主治醫師輪訓門診、住院、照會與檢查,此外還有晨會、住院個案討論會、跨領域討論會等及周一下午住院醫師核心訓練等教學課程。每月除寒暑假,至少舉辦一次特別演講。住院醫師訓練期間,可依其志願,申請至骨科部、小兒部、麻醉部、老年醫學部、神經科或外院復健科、國外復健部等1至2個月,擴展學習領域。 本科素有相當優良的臨床與基礎研究傳統,載許多國際優良的期刊上每年都發表許多文獻。舉例來說,在臨床上超音波彈性造影之系列臨床研究,發表於影像醫學最好的Radiology期刊,在基礎研究方面,對於物理因子,例如超音波、震波、電學等之生物效應亦有許多發表。 本科為國內首屈一指的復健醫療機構,提供最優質的臨床教學、服務與研究。此外,本科對國家社會亦有許多卓越的貢獻,包括:推動全國復健醫學教育、培養國內外復健醫療專業人才、國際健康與身心障礙分類系統(ICF)鑑定、推展心肺復健、兒童早期療育,擔任殘障體育運動會之評審委員會委員,與長照政策制定。此外,本科在骨骼肌肉超音波的專業與研究能力,每年亦吸引絡繹不絕的國外醫師來本科學習。 未來將朝向硬體設施之擴充與重整、復健醫學次專科的發展、復健醫療早期介入與普及化來努力。Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAcademic Institute