2011-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/649183摘要:為了減少微生物等致病菌對健康的影響,水中加氯消毒是目前泳池最常使用的方法;然而因為加氯所造成存在於水中之消毒副產物的暴露與健康影響(如:三鹵甲烷與膀胱癌的關係),亦始終受到大家的關心。除了一般的消毒副產物之外,研究顯示當加氯的游泳池水遇到游泳者所排出的尿液、汗水或其他有機物質時,極可能產生三氯胺。相較於戶外泳池的空曠,室內游泳池中由於通風換氣常不夠理想,因此容易造成三氯胺濃度的累積,而其經人體吸入後則可能產生包括:antioxidant16 kDa Claracell protein (CC16)及alveolar surfactant associated proteins A and B (SP-A and SP-B) 等蛋白質,並進而造成吸入者罹患氣喘機會的上升。許多文獻指出世界各地氣喘之盛行率及死亡率皆不斷升高,而研究顯示台北市7-15 歲學童的氣喘發生率在1974~1994 之二十年間即上升約八倍(自1.3%至10.79%)。學童氣喘盛行率的逐年攀升,可能原因當然很多、亦不易釐清;然而,泳池中三氯胺暴露的評估、調查與控制,應是嘗試減緩氣喘發生可以努力的方式之一(特別是游泳為夏天大眾所喜愛的活動,而又常有人多擁擠的現象)。依據目前國內對游泳池的衛生標準與要求,除了水中餘氯、空氣中氯氣濃度及二氧化碳濃度之外,並未對空氣中三氯胺濃度予以規範與限制;另一方面,游泳池空氣中三氯胺濃度的分佈,在國內亦未見任何調查與探討。過去研究發現,室內游泳池內三氯胺的濃度範圍在0.2-0.9mg/m3 之間,而一般室外污染物平均濃度很少超過0.3 mg/m3,因此游泳池內的三氯胺暴露應是需要關注的公共衛生議題。評估來自空氣中三氯胺的暴露需要使用空氣採樣分析技術,然而現有的評估方法卻不夠理想,更限制了重要暴露資料的收集。因此,為改善現有採樣分析方法的不方便性,本研究將嘗試以固相微萃取(solid phase microextraction; SPME)配合化學衍生技術,發展包括:游泳池環境空氣中三氯胺的被動式採樣分析技術(可用於大規模採樣,並評估累積暴露量;第一年工作重點)、及動態非平衡採樣技術(快速、敏感的採樣分析方法,可用於瞭解三氯胺濃度變化與時間之關係;第二年工作重點)。另外,本研究亦計畫將所發展之技術與文獻中所使用之方法進行平行比對與驗證(第二年工作重點),並嘗試建立游泳池使用狀況與空氣中三氯胺濃度變化的關係(第三年工作重點),以進一步評估學童暴露造成氣喘之可能風險。<br> Abstract: Nitrogen trichloride (trichloramine; NCl3) might possibly be formed when organic nitrogen sources,such as creatinine, arginine, histidine, or urea, react with chlorine. In swimming pools, visitors can contributevarious kinds of organic nitrogen, such as sweat, urine, or skin particles, which would further react withchlorine to form trichloramine. Trichloramine has been observed that the exposures might cause acute andchronic health effects, such as asthma, in both children and adults.Based on the current regulation regarding the hygiene status of swimming pool in Taiwan, only residualchlorine in water, concentration of chlorine in air, and concentration of carbon dioxide in air are regulated.According to literatures, concentrations of trichloramine in indoor swimming pool can be as high as 0.2~0.9mg/m3, which is apparently an important issue of public health.To monitor the concentrations of trichloramine in air, current available method employed samplingpump and required complicated sample preparation and analysis procedure which makes it uneasy to assessthe exposures. Therefore, to make the health risk assessment much more easier, the purposes of this researchare: (1) developing a passive sampling and analytical technique for trichloramine in air based on solid-phasemicroextraction with on-fiber derivatization (can be applied for the purpose of large-scale exposureassessments; expected to be accomplished in the first year); (2) developing a fast sampling and analyticalmethod for trichloramine based on solid-phase microextraction coupled with non-equilibrium exposuresystem (can be applied to determine the time-profile of the concentrations of trichloramine; expected to beaccomplished in the second year); (3) the side-by-side comparisons between the SPME method and thecurrent used method for NCl3 sampling and analysis (expected to be accomplished in the second year); (4)determining the factors that will affect the concentrations of trichloramine in swimming pool; and (5)assessing the possible health risks from the swimming pool exposures of trichloramine.固相微萃取三氯胺主動式採樣動態暴露系統氣相層析質譜儀trichloraminecychlohexenechlorocyclohexanesolid phase microextractionnon-equilibrium samplingRisk Assessment of School Children's Exposures to Airborne Trichloramine from Swimming Pools