衛生政策與管理研究所;Institute of Health Policy and Management吳淑瓊林惠生2008-08-052018-06-292008-08-052018-06-291999http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/81049由於台灣絕大多數的功能障礙老人係由家庭提供照護,因此家庭照護者的特質及他們提供照護的現況是規劃台灣長期照護體系不可或缺的資料。有鑑於此,本研究乃進行1994年全國功能障礙老人及其家庭照護者調查,從全國3,155老人機率樣本中篩選出349位(111%)由家庭照護的功能障礙老人,再從中找到309位(925%)家庭照護者調查之,發現290位為真正家庭照護者,故納入分析。分析結果發現,照護者中將近三成為65歲以上的老人,七成以上為女性。將近一半的女性老人是由媳婦照護,而將近一半的男性老人由配偶照護。照護老人是一項漫長的工作,44%已經提供5年以上的照護。照護者除了照護老人之外,尚須面對其他競爭需求:38%同時需要照護未成年子女,18%曾經因工作衝突而調整工作,更有24%曾因而辭去工作。照護者並對外來的協助表示需求:七成認為需要協助他們防範老人發生意外;四到五成的照護者希望有人幫忙打電話向老人問安、或帶老人做休閒活動、或提供諮詢服務;42%希望能開辦短期臨託服務。由以上分析發現,家庭對功能障礙老人提供長期且密集的照護,家庭照護者大多為女性,他們在照護老人的同時,還面對其他照護競爭需求。 Almost all disabled elderly people in Taiwan are cared for by their family members. This study examined family caregivers' characteristics and their commitment to caregiving. Potential subjects were identified from 1994 National Survey on Disabled Elderly. Among the 3,155 elderly subjects interviewed in that survey, 349 (11.1%) were considered as disabled elderly cared for by the family. Among these, 309 (92.5%) of their caregivers responded to this further interview. However, only 290 were true family caregivers. Approximately 30% of these caregivers were over 65 years of age, and over 70% were female. About half of the female elderly were cared for by their daughters-in-law; and half of the male elderly were cared for by their spouses. Forty-four percent of the respondents had been caregivers for at least 5 years. In addition, caregivers also had other competing demands: 38% of them reported child care responsibilities, 18% experienced work conflicts, and 24% had even quitted their jobs. A few caregivers(6%) had additional ill family members to care for. A sizeable proportion of caregivers expressed a need for other types of assistance; accident prevention was the most often demanded (70%) assistance, followed by friendly calls/leisure time activities/counseling (40-50%), and respite care (42%). In conclusion, family care for the disabled elderly is a long-term intensive commitment more likely to be undertaken by women. Caregivers also have other competing demands at the same time. These findings should be very important it decision making for the development of long-term care system in Taiwan.en-US家庭照護者老人長期照護family caregiversagedlong-term care台灣功能障礙老人的家庭照護者:全國概況分析journal article