骨科王校侯勝茂林昭庚陳榮洲WANG, SHAWSHAWWANGHOU, SHENG-MOUSHENG-MOUHOULIN, CHAO-KENGCHAO-KENGLINCHEN, JUNG-CHOUJUNG-CHOUCHEN2009-01-192018-07-132009-01-192018-07-131995http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/99046  This article reviewed close tibial fractures in 30 adult patients who were treated by close reduction and internal fixation with interlocking nails. The patients were randomly divided into two groups. Tso-Kuei-wan was given to the test group one week postoperatively for six weeks. By comparing the amount of callus formation measured radiographically as a criterion for assessment of bony union, the test group was found to heal faster than the control with a statistically significant result in callus volume (p < 0.05) and callus index (p < 0.01)en-USClinical evaluation of Tso-Kuei-wan in fracture healing of human tibia左歸丸對脛骨骨折初期癒合的臨床評估