國立臺灣大學農藝學系暨研究所劉麗飛2006-07-262018-07-112006-07-262018-07-112003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/19835本計畫的目標是將馬鈴薯塊莖 PinII(proteinase inhibitor)基因,轉殖到 水稻中。以期干擾水稻害蟲的生長發育, 增加水稻的抗蟲能力。目前利用農桿菌法 轉殖到水稻品種台農67 號及台梗9 號,水 稻台農67 號及台梗9 號已進行四次轉殖, 其中兩次轉殖皆是利用台農67 號,已得到 七個獨立的轉殖水稻系統(T0),轉殖效 率為1.88%、0.03%,其他的材料正在進行 水稻植株再生的過程。得到的轉殖株已進 行PCR 測定,初步確定轉殖結果,正進行 Southern 鑑定。另一方面,利用BAPNA 測定轉殖株葉片的PI 活性,其PI 活性比 未轉殖株約高3.5 ~ 9 倍。pinII) gene, from potato tuber, were transferred to rice plant for increasing the insect resistant ability of rice plant. PinII gene was driven by its original PinII promoter, which causes gene expression only when plant is attacked by insects, therefore will not interfere the plant normal growth. The constructed gene was transferred to rice TNG67 and TK9 by Agrobacterium method. At present transformation has been done four times. Seven independent T0 lines were obtained from TNG67. More T0 lines will be obtained soon. PI activities of each T0 plants were detected by BAPNA method and showed 3.5 ~ 9 folds higher than that of non-transgenic plants.application/pdf235044 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學農藝學系暨研究所水稻基因轉殖PI 基因抗蟲RiceGene transferProteinase inhibitor (PI)insect resistant轉殖proteinase inhibitor II 基因增進水稻之抗蟲能力Proteinase Inhibitor II Gene Transfer to Rice Plants for Insect Resistancereporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/19835/1/912313B002322.pdf