黃達業臺灣大學:財務金融學研究所鄭淳鐘Jung, Soon-JongSoon-JongJung2010-05-112018-07-092010-05-112018-07-092008U0001-3107200801114600http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/182683本篇論文主要深討在分析金融風暴後的銀行M&A. 銀行M&A的研究員常常指出M&A之所以可以活耀於各大型銀行,主要是因為M&A不僅能夠確保競爭力的規模,並且由於其經濟規模及領域還有商業合理化,而能提高利益. 此論文是有關於透過分析M&A的個案來找尋有效率的韓國銀行合併者. M&A的案件則是把焦點放在 Kookmin Bank 以及 Housing& Commercial Bank. 銀行策略從傳統方式,也就是以往專注在量的成長,例如存款及擴大貸款,而轉移至透過合併,利益還有擴展方式來達到最大效益. 總結來說, 此論文在探討現今的銀行合併運作方式,比以往的都還要好上許多. 我們推薦最好的方式莫過於KB與H&CB的合併. 此方式帶給許多國家有力的規範包含台灣在內.The thesis focuses mainly on the analysis of bank M&A in South Korea after Asia financial crisis. Researchers of Bank M&A have often suggested that the reason why M&A are being sought vigorously among advanced large banks is that it is possible not only to secure competitiveness through larger scale but also to enhance profitability as a result of economy of scale, economy of scope and business rationalization.he thesis involves to seek efficient mergers in Korea’s banking sector by analyzing cases of M&A. We focus on the M&A case between Kookmin bank and H&CB. Strategies of banks are shifting from traditional ones which focus on quantity growth such as deposit and loan expansion to profit maximization through mergers and aquisitions, penetration in to new businesses and organizational structuring.o conclude, the thesis may be of importance in explaining the operating performance of merging banks is better than that of previous mergers.e suggest the method of the merger between KB and H&CB. This case study of merged KB brought the worthwhile manual to the banking sectors of other countries including Taiwan.Chapter 1: Introduction------------------------------------1. Background of Bank M&A in South Korea-------------------1-1. Cause of Korean Financial Crisis----------------------1-2. Reform of the Korea’s Financial Sector---------------2-3. The Reform process of Korea’s Financial Sector-------4. Motivation of the Thesis-------------------------------10. Framework of the Thesis--------------------------------13hapter 2: Literature Review------------------------------15.1 Financial system’s restructuring of South Korea------15.2 Studies related to Bank M&A in other Countries.-------19.3. M&A Types in South Korea-----------------------------20.3.1. Purchase & Assumption------------------------------20.3.2. Mergers & Acquisitions-----------------------------21.3.3. Financial Holding Companies initiated by Government22.4 Patterns of Financial Consolidation-------------------23.4.1 Methods of Financial Consolidation------------------23.4.2 Key Patterns in Transaction Activity----------------25.4.3 Patterns in the Structure of the Financial Sector---26.5 Market Concentration ---------------------------------27hapter 3: Analyzing the Operating performance of Korea’s Banking Industry------------------------------------------29.1. Four Main Indices Related to Performance Analysis----29.2 Safety and Soundness Analysis-------------------------30.2.1 BIS Capital Adequacy Ratios-------------------------30.2.2 Substandard Loan Ratios-----------------------------32.3 Profitability Analysis--------------------------------33.3.1 ROA (Return On Asset)-------------------------------33.3.2 ROE (Return On Equity)------------------------------34hapter 4: The Operating performance of the Bank Mergers: A Case study between Kookmin Bank and H&CB------------------45.1 Background of the Bank Merger of Kookmin Bank(KB) and Housing & Commercial bank(H&CB)---------------------------45.2 Four Factors for Comparison of the Effect of Merged Bank between KB and H&CB----------------------------------50.3 Overall Operating performance Comparison Before Merge and After Merge-------------------------------------------57hapter 5: Conclusion-------------------------------------65eferences------------------------------------------------67application/pdf1840805 bytesapplication/pdfen-USM&A亞洲金融風暴韓國Kookmin BankH&CBBIS RatioSubstandard Loan RatioROAROE.Asia Financial CrisisSouth Korea南韓銀行合併之個案研究The Case Study of Bank M&A in South Koreathesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/182683/1/ntu-97-R94723080-1.pdf