葉國良2006-07-252018-05-292006-07-252018-05-292003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/4408曾子為孔門重要弟子,其學派之著作理當重視,前代學者或以為《禮記》〈曾 子問〉、〈大學〉及《大戴禮》〈曾子立事〉等十篇屬之,朱熹且建立「孔子.曾 子.子思.孟子」之學術譜系,為之闡釋不遺餘力。唯後儒亦有以為二戴《禮記》 多出漢人,頗加蔑視。頃因郭店戰國竹簡中有〈緇衣〉,上海博物館所收戰國簡 亦有小戴〈緇衣〉、〈孔子閒居〉及大戴〈武王踐阼〉,則先儒以二戴《禮記》多 出七十子之言,關涉先秦儒學之流變,自不宜漠然視之,應予重新檢討。 本計畫先收集歷來探討曾子學派之著作,並參酌新出土之資料,重新從思想 層面、具體內容、詞彙使用等方面考察二戴《禮記》中與曾子相關諸篇,側重探 討其著作年代、學術譜系及其與先秦兩漢儒籍之關係,俾能釐清現存先秦兩漢儒 籍之部分學術譜系,而有助於儒學史之研究。Tzeng Shen is an important disciple among the Confucianists. The writings of his school should be paid many attentions to. Some of the early scholars took Tzeng Tzyy Wen and The Great learnings in Dai-Sheng`s The Book of Rites and 10 compositions in Dai-De`s The Book of Rites, these 12 compositions as Tzeng Shen School`s writing. Chu Shi had done his best to establish the academic genealogy –Confucius,Tzeng Shen,Tzu Si and Mencius. But some of the later scholars considered these two versions (Dai-De and Dai-Sheng`s The Book of Rites) were written by some scholars of the Han Dynasty and looked down upon them. Especially the scholars in the Main Land, who study and research the philosophy of the ere before the Chin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, usually ignore that early scholars had mentioned that many of the contents in the two versions of The Book of Rites written by the disciples among the 70 Confucianists. Soon, there were the composition Tzyy I of The Book of Rites in the bamboo slips of Chu in Guo-Dian and there were Tzyy I and Kung Tzyy Xian Ju in Dai-Sheng`s The Book of Rites and Wu Wang Jian Zuo in Dai-De`s version in the bamboo slips of Warring States collected and kept in Shang-Hai Museum. This fact revealed that many analects in the two versions of The Book of Rites were from the 70 disciples, and it was connected with the later development of the Confucianism in the era before the Chin Dynasty.Thus,we should review and discuss them instead of despising them. In this project, at first, we intend to collect the literary works which discuss the School of Tzeng Shen till now, then to consult and deliberate the unearthed data, and to re-examine the compositions in the two version of The Book of Rites in involved with Tzeng Shen, then to place particular emphasis on discussing when the compositions were completed and the academic genealogy, and to research the relationship between works by the School of Tzeng Shen and the versions of The Book of Rites in the era before the Chin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty. Through this project, maybe we can distinguish some parts of the academic genealogy of the Confucian works in the era before the Chin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty. This will be helpful to the reserch of Confucianism.application/pdf365527 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學中國文學系暨研究所禮記曾子先秦兩漢二戴《禮記》曾子諸篇的寫作年代、學術譜系及其與先秦兩漢儒籍的關係reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/4408/1/912411H002026.pdf