左天雄2006-07-252018-07-092006-07-252018-07-092000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2707土層現地應力影響土壤之力學行為,其有效垂 直覆土壓力,可經由各土層之單位重及地下水位或 孔隙水壓之量測,估求得到相當可靠之值。然而水 平應力之評估,目前除直接埋設儀器量測或貫入現 地試驗儀器進行間接推估外,仍無法以理論求得。 本研究以自行研發之室內及現地水力破裂試驗設 備,可由試驗時估求其閉合壓力而評估土層現地應 力。 粘土之水平應力方面,先由室內水力破裂試驗 之研究成果,進而發展出現地水力破裂試驗設備。 粘土層現地水力破裂試驗結果顯示其隨埋置後之 時間增加而逐漸趨於穩定,而與平鈑膨脹儀試驗評 估所得之結果具有一致性。 砂性土壤之水平應力方面,由於其滲透性高, 加壓液體極易滲入水力破裂錐錐身周圍之土層 中,因而導致不易研判水力破裂試驗之閉合壓力。 針對砂性土壤,本研究提出以壓力灌入皂土液後, 於水力破裂錐周圍形成低透水性之泥壁。室內水力 破裂試驗結果,顯示其改良後之砂性土壤,於水力 破裂階段產生垂直破裂面,此與粘土之水力破壞機 制相似。現地水力破裂試驗結果發現,於砂土層灌 入皂土液並形成泥壁後,短期內進行水力破裂試 驗,水平應力與平鈑膨脹儀試驗評估之結果比較有 偏高的趨勢。經由長期埋設後再進行水力破裂試 驗,顯示其水平應力隨埋置時間增加而逐漸降低並 趨於穩定,而與平鈑膨脹儀試驗結果之評估具有一 致性。Hydraulic fracture tests (HFT) can be used to evaluate the coefficients of lateral earth pressure at rest K0 of cohesive soils at laboratory and field test sites. This study shows that the total horizontal stresses of cohesive soils obtained by HFT are decreasing to stable values after the embedment of hydraulic fracture cones and are consistence with those derived by flat dilatometer tests (DMT). The closure pressures of HFT of cohesionless soils may not be assessed due to the property of high permeability. This study presents that injecting bentonite fluid to form impervious slurry wall around the shaft of hydraulic cone can decrease the permeability of cohesionless soils. Then the laboratory HFT of sands shows that vertical hydraulic planes may be developed and total horizontal stresses can be evaluated by closure pressures. The test results of field HFT in sandy soils shows that the total horizontal stresses evaluated by HFT have consistency with those assessed by DMT and CPT.application/pdf147627 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學土木工程學系暨研究所現地土壤應力水力破裂試驗貫入試驗in-situ soil stresseshydraulic fracture testpenetration tests水力破裂試驗評估砂土之水平應力reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/2707/1/892211E002060.pdf