2013-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/705995摘要:我們將以新穎鐵基超導材料鉀鐵硒K0.8Fe2Se2 (KFS)單晶樣品為研究對象,量測其磁阻以研究約瑟芬渦流(Josephson vortices,JVs)之磁通運動。我們將量測其磁阻振盪行為並分析尺寸大小、層間耦合、電流大小與溫度等因素影響其振盪週期磁場Hp之效應,此有助於了解JVs磁通動力學。我們也將量測樣品之磁通流動電阻率f,並分析其阻尼係數與溫度變化之相依性,藉以探討界面特性對之影響。最後,我們將以磁控濺鍍成長KFS薄膜,量測KFS薄膜樣品在高低磁場下之傳輸性質,以瞭解磁通釘扎與混合態霍爾係數之關係,另外量測KFS薄膜之表面電阻與磁場穿透深度藉以了解磁通釘扎對微波特性之影響。本計畫研究結果將有助於釐清KFS在混合態之磁通動力學情形。<br> Abstract: High-quality iron-based superconducting K0.8Fe2Se2 (KFS) single crystals will be studied. The magnetoresistance will be measured to study the dynamics of Josephson vortices (JVs). Meanwhile the periodic oscillations of the JVs flow resistance will be analyzed to investigate the effects of sample size, interlayer coupling, applied current and temperature on the field periodicity Hp. Moreover the flux flow resistivity f will be measured and the temperature dependence of viscosity coefficient  will be extracted to probe the effect of interface on . Finally, the KFS films will be grown using the rf magnetron sputtering technique. The transport properties of KFS films in fields will be measured to understand the relationship between the flux pinning and the mixed-state Hall coefficient. In addition, the surface resistance and magnetic penetration depth of KFS films will be measured to study the flux pinning effects on the microwave properties. It is predicted that the results can offer the key to an understanding of the vortex dynamics in iron-based KFS superconductors.鐵基超導約瑟芬渦流磁控濺鍍混合態霍爾係數磁通釘扎微波特性iron-based superconductorsJosephson vorticesmixed-state Hall coefficientflux pinningmicrowave properties新穎鐵基超導鐵鉀硒磁通動力學與磁通釘扎之研究(2/2)