管理學院: 國際企業學研究所指導教授: 黃恆獎鄭柏彥Cheng, Po-YenPo-YenCheng2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274826隨著互聯網的蓬勃發展,使得一個接著一個的網路平台興起,大量的電子商務取代了實體通路,然而網路交易的詐騙層出不窮,付費缺乏信用的問題造就了第三方支付的產生。在同一時點下,行動裝置也有了革命性的突破,智慧型手機的普及化,給了行動支付極大的成長空間,成了近幾年諸多產業積極進入的市場,也因此在百家爭鳴的情況下,行銷就顯得特別重要。 在本篇論文中,首先針對整個行動支付產業進行分析,協助讀者能夠對於整個市場及生態能夠有通盤的了解,接著在探討三個線上知名的行動支付廠商¬¬-「微信支付」、「支付寶」和「Line Pay」,個案主要探討行銷的理論-線上顧客體驗、顧客關係管理、線上社交網絡和網路外部性等,是否有在實務上的行銷活動中被體現,其分析的結果如下: 1.從微信支付推出的「微信紅包」個案中,逐一的分析「感官」、「情緒」、「認知」、「實用」、「生活」和「關係」等層面,認為能夠用「線上顧客體驗」去解釋該行銷活動受到使用者廣大迴響的原因。 2.從支付寶推出的「十年帳單日記」個案中,逐一的分析「核心服務」、「關係客製化」、「額外利益」、「定價」和「內部行銷」等面向,認為支付寶成功做到「顧客關係管理」,並獲得社會大眾的認同。 3.從Line Pay的「貼圖行銷」中,逐一的分析「同質性」、「關係強度」、「來源信度」、「使用者規模」和「互補產品或服務」等元素,認為Line Pay成功建立起一個緊密的「線上社交網絡」,並以極高的「網路外部性」達成行銷的高效益。As internet developed vigorously, one another platform sprang up and huge amount of e-commerce replaced the importance of brick-and-mortar stores. However, the fraudulent transaction kept happening without credits, which gave birth to “third-party payment”. Also, the revolution of the mobile industry led to a breakthrough, and in the following years the smartphone became prevailing. Due to the internet and the smartphone innvoation, the market of mobile payment started gaining grounds, which turned out to be the investment target for all walks of life. In the thesis, we mainly discussed about three case studies, including “Tenpay”, “Mirco Payment” and “Line Pay”. We used theories of “Online Customer Experience”, “Customer Relationship Management”, “Social Network” and “Network Effect” to see the combination of the practices and academies. The results revealed as below: 1.In terms of the marketing of “Red Envelope” for Tenpay, we gauged the elements of “Sensorial”, “Emotional”, “Cognitive”, “Pragmatic”, “Lifestyle” and “Relational”, and found we could use “Online Customer Experience” to explain why it succeeded. 2.In terms of the marketing of “Ten-years Payment Memo” for Micro Payment, we analyzed the dimensions of “Core Service”, “Relationship Customization”, “Premiums”, “Pricing” and “Internal Marketing”, and found we could use “Customer Relationship Management” to explain why it gained popular. 3.In terms of the marketing of “Collage” for Line Pay, we assessed the components of “Homophily”, “Tie Strength”, “Source Credibility”, “Scale of Economies” and “Complementary Products and Services”, and found we could use “Online Social Network” and “Network Effect” to explain why it reached high attention by the public.論文使用權限: 不同意授權行動支付微信支付支付寶Line Pay線上顧客體驗顧客關係管理線上社交網絡網路外部性Mobile PaymentTenpayMicro PaymentOnline Customer ExperienceCustomer Relationship ManagementSocial NetworkNetwork Effect行動支付創新行銷之案例分析Case Studies for Innovative Marketing of Mobile Paymentthesis10.6342/NTU201600385