生物資源暨農學院: 園藝學研究所指導教授: 羅筱鳳魏良州Wei, Liang-ChouLiang-ChouWei2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275032洋芫荽(Petroselinum sativum L.)為香料作物,含有維生素C與E、鐵、胡蘿蔔素、葉酸與類黃酮,維生素K含量高居各種蔬菜之首,可供做烹飪、沙拉、調味及精油。本研究於臺灣大學密閉式植物工場探討栽培水耕捲葉種洋芫荽之最適環境條件。 洋芫荽種子發芽需14~28天,較其他葉菜類種子緩慢,且發芽整齊度差,本研究先探討最佳種子滲調方法,期縮短發芽時間、提高發芽率及發芽整齊度;在4種滲調溫度、6種滲調水勢及5種滲調時間之處理組合中,於日夜溫15℃/13℃以水分潛勢 -2.4 bar滲調3週之種子能於3天即達GT50,整齊度及最終發芽率92%皆為顯著最高;在日夜溫15℃/13℃以-0.7 bar滲調種子1週雖然比前者稍差,但播種後5天達GT50、最終發芽率90%,亦能有效提高發芽速率、整齊度及發芽率。 育苗期試驗結果,於日夜溫25℃/20℃下以電導度1.0 dS•m-1之山崎氏鴨兒芹養液配方及Light-Emitting Diode (光茵生物科技,CW5000)光強度150 μmol•m-2•s-1育苗為佳。育成期5種溫度處理中,於17℃與23℃栽培之洋芫荽鮮重44.02 g及35.21 g較高;但在17℃栽培之乾重0.64 g較低,外表鮮綠,口感較嫩,適於生食;25℃栽培之乾重0.94 g較高,呈深綠色,口感粗糙刺口,適於盤飾。相較於光強度120、160及200 μmol・m-2・s-1,於240 μmol・m-2・s-1栽培者有最佳鮮重43.45 g、乾重0.81 g、側枝數12.89及側枝長10.41 cm,且硝酸鹽含量2328.9 ppm最低。光週期則以16 hr/8 hr栽培較佳,硝酸鹽含量亦較低。Parsley (Petroselinum sativum L.) is a culinary crop rich in vitamin C and E, iron Carotenoid, folic acid and flavonoids. The vitamin K in parsley may be the highest abundant in all vegetables. Parsley is used for cooking, salad, flavoring and essential oil. Curly parsley was grown hydroponically in the plant factory of National Taiwan University to obtain the best seed priming method and cultivation temperature, light intensity and photoperiod. Parsley seeds takes 14~28 days to germinate,which is longer than other leaf vegetable. To improve the rate, uniformity and percentage of germination, 4 priming temperatures, 6 priming water potential and 5 priming times were test. Germination percentage 92% from priming at -2.4 bar for 3 weeks at 15/13 ℃ were significantly the highest, it arrived GT50 in 3 days and final germination percentage was 92%. However, priming at -0.7 bar potential for 1 week at 15℃/13℃ also improved the seed germination rate, uniformity and percentage significantly, it arrived GT50 in 5 days and final germination percentage was 90%. Seedings at 25℃/20℃、water nutrient 1.0 dS•m-1 EC and Light-Emitting Diode (CW5000) light of 150 μmol•m-2•s-1 showed significantly higher yeild. After transplanting, 17℃ and 23℃ exhibited higher fresh weight which were 44.02 g and 35.21 g. Growing at 17℃ had lower dry weight 0.64 g and were recommeded for salad ; Dry weight at 25℃ was higher and recommeded for decorate. 240 μmol・m-2・s-1 light indensity showed the best result which had fresh weight 43.45 g, dry weight 0.81 g, stem number 12.89 and stem length 10.41 cm, nitrite content 2,328.9 ppm was also the lowest. 16 hr/8 hr photoperiod can get better fresh weight and vitamin C content, lower nitrite content.1854982 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/3/16論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)洋芫荽植物工場水耕parsleyplant factoryhydroponic植物工場水耕栽培洋芫荽Hydroponics of Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) in the Plant Factorythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275032/1/ntu-104-R01628113-1.pdf