張寶棣臺灣大學:物理研究所徐曼揚Schuemann, JanJanSchuemann2007-11-262018-06-282007-11-262018-06-282005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/54625We present the results of the searches for two body hadronic B meson decays with an eta' meson in the final state. We observe the decay B->eta' D0 and report the first observation of B->eta' D*0, using 140/fb of data collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy e+e⣵76; collider. We find the branching fractions to be: BF(B->D0 eta') = [1.14+-0.20(stat.)+0.10-0.13(syst.)] x 10^-4, BF(B->D*0 eta') = [1.21+-0.34(stat.)+-0.22(syst.)] x 10^-4, with significances including systematic uncertainty of 8.9 and 5.3 standard deviations, respectively. Additionally, we report the results for the charmless decays B-> eta' h, with h = K+, K_S and Pi+, using a data set of 350/fb collected with the Belle detector. We find: BF(B->eta' K+) = [6.86+-0.36(stat.)+-0.21(syst.)] x 10^-5, BF(B->eta' K_S) = [5.66+0.36-0.35(stat.)+0.33-0.32(syst.)] x 10^-5, BF(B->eta' Pi+) = [1.73+0.69-0.63(stat.)+0.11-0.10(syst.)] x 10^-6, where the decay including a pion has a significance of 3 sigma. For the charged charmless decays, we search for direct CP violation and find: ACP(B->eta' K+) = 0.029+-0.028(stat.)+0.021(syst.)] x 10^-6, ACP(B->eta' Pi+) = 0.16+0.39-0.38(stat.)+0.02-0.06(syst.)] x 10^-6.Abstract i Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vii Chapter I Prologue 1 Chapter II Introduction 3 Chapter III The Belle Experiment 7 III.1 The Upsilon(S) 7 III.2 History of the Belle xperiment 8 III.3 KEKB 9 III.4 The Belle Detector 11 III.4.1 Beam Pipe 13 III.4.2 Extreme Forward Calorimeter (EFC) 15 III.4.3 Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) 15 III.4.4 Central Drift Chamber (CDC) 21 III.4.5 Aerogel Cerenkov Counter (ACC) 22 III.4.6 Time of Flight Scintillation Counter System (TOF) 24 III.4.7 Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECL) 28 III.4.8 Solenoid Magnet 29 III.4.9 KL and Muon Detector (KLM) 31 III.5 Trigger and Data Acquisition 32 III.5.1 The Level-1 (L1) Trigger 33 III.5.2 Level-3 (L3) and Level-4 (L4) Triggers 34 III.5.3 Data Acquisition (DAQ) 36 III.5.4 Data Processing 37 III.6 Software 38 III.6.1 Monte Carlo Generation 38 Chapter IV Introduction To B->D(*)0 eta' 41 Chapter V Selection Criteria For B->D(*)0 eta' 45 V.1 Data Set 45 V.2 Event Reconstruction 46 V.2.1 Reconstruction of eta Mesons 46 V.2.2 Reconstruction of rho Mesons 47 V.2.3 Reconstruction of eta' Mesons 48 V.2.4 Reconstruction of D0 Mesons 50 V.2.5 Reconstruction of D*0 Mesons 53 V.2.6 Reconstruction of the B Meson 54 Chapter VI The Analysis Method For B->D(*)0 eta' 59 VI.1 Single Event Selection 59 VI.2 Continuum Suppression 60 VI.3 BB Suppression 65 VI.3.1 Other Rare B Decay Suppression 66 VI.4 Extraction Of Signal Yields 66 VI.5 Determination Of Effciencies 71 VI.6 Determination Of Branching Fractions 72 Chapter VII Systematic Uncertainties For B->D(*)0 eta' 75 VII.1 Photon, Pi0 and eta Reconstruction Effciency 76 VII.2 Charged Track Finding 76 VII.3 Particle Identification System 78 VII.4 Likelihood Ratio 79 VII.5 PDF Related Systematics 80 VII.6 Other Contributions 80 Chapter VIII Results For B->D(*)0 eta' 83 Chapter IX Introduction To B-> eta' h 99 Chapter X Selection Criteria For B-> eta' h 105 X.1 Data Set 105 X.2 Event Selection 105 X.2.1 Reconstruction of eta' Mesons 106 X.2.2 Reconstruction of h 107 X.2.3 Reconstruction of the B Mesons 107 Chapter XI The Analysis Method For B-> eta' h 109 XI.1 Single Event Selection 109 XI.2 Continuum Suppression 110 XI.2.1 Flavour Tagging 110 XI.2.2 Implementation of Flavour Tagging, RL Selection 113 XI.3 BB Suppression 114 XI.3.1 Other Rare B Decay Suppression 114 XI.4 Extraction Of Signal Yields 115 XI.5 Determination Of Effciencies 120 XI.6 Determination Of Branching Fractions and Direct Asymmetry 121 Chapter XII Systematic Uncertainties For B->eta' h 127 Chapter XIII Results For B->eta' h 131 XIII.1 Results for Charged B-> eta' h Decays 131 XIII.2 Results for Neutral B-> eta' h Decays 133 Chapter XIV Conclusion And Discussion 145 XIV.1 Conclusion 145 XIV.2 Near Future 145 XIV.3 Results with 1 ab 147 Appendix A Calculation of BF(B->eta' D(*)0) in the SM 149 Appendix B Calculation of BF(B-> eta' h) in the SM 151 Bibliography 15710817962 bytesapplication/pdfen-US高能量物理電荷宇稱破壞hig-energy-physicsdirect-CP-violation含有 eta' 介子的二體B介子稀有衰變Rare B Decays with eta' in the Final Statethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/54625/1/ntu-94-D89222026-1.pdf