2019-06-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/704825摘要:目前Vision 4.0 ( Smart Vision for Smart Factories)已受到各國的高度重視,根據國家智慧機械的整體發展方向,本計畫以發展視覺4.0為目標,將發展創新智慧型光學精密量測模組與關鍵演算技術,與六軸機器手臂或精密掃描機之控制器進行整合,在線上製程上對工件的自動化加工與量測過程中,可達到具複雜幾何工件(例如渦輪引擎葉片)之智慧型自動化三維視覺偵測、複雜工件辨識與三維空間定位;同時,可進行自動化精密光學三維量測與關鍵尺寸之萃取與演算。 為達上述目標,本計畫將發展下列前瞻模組與關鍵技術: (1) 創新式光學量測探頭與演算能力: 同時具有高量測範圍與高量測解析度,以及同時具有絕對深度與高解析深度之量測能力,也具備單擊(single shot)高頻寬三維動態偵測能力,可達到快速自動化工件三維視覺偵測與ID辨識,以及工件在三維空間的定位能力。 (2) 創新式複雜工件之辨識與空間定位關鍵演算技術: 對於在空間中可能部分視覺遮蔽或任意堆疊之複雜物件(可能未知其確切之物件ID),以三維點雲為基礎發展關鍵演算技術,達到自動化視覺辨識與空間精密定位能力。 (3) 創新式工件關鍵尺寸(critical dimension, CD) 與特徵的自動化精密量測技術: 依據系統使用者所選定檢測的工件關鍵尺寸或特徵選項,自動決定量測的最佳空間位移路徑與量測最佳的探頭姿態及位置,進行高精度之三維形貌與CD量測,進行量測點雲資料與CAD model之間精密影像疊合,以求出工件形狀誤差分佈,以及關鍵尺寸(孔洞中心位置與直徑、曲面法線向量、形貌特徵等)或影像特徵(表面特徵或標籤辨識)。 <br> Abstract: This project is aimed to develop an advanced intelligent optical precise measuring module to be integrated with 6-axis robots for achieving the goals set in Vision 4.0 -- Smart Vision for Smart Factories. This developed system can be used to perform intelligent and accurate automatic optical surface scanning and profilometry on workpieces with complicated surface geometry, such as turbine blades used in aerospace engines. To achieve this, the project aims to develop the following three key techniques required in the system integration with 6-axis robots: 1. Innovative optical measuring probe and algorithms 2. Novel algorithms for object recognition and accurate orientation positioning of measured workpieces having complicated surface geometry: 3. Novel algorithms for automated critical dimension (CD) extraction from scanned point clouds This project is aimed to achieve the following main objectives in three years: 1. The development and achievement of the specified three key techniques described above. 2. The development of a quasi-commercial 3-D measuring probe and scanning platform. 3. To educate at least 1 PhD and 3 master students per year 4. To train at least 1 engineer per year 5. Apply at least an invention patent per year 6. Achieve at least 3 technological transfer or industrial cooperation in three yearsVision 4.0自動化光學檢測(AOI)智慧型機器視覺光學精密量測自動化量測Vision 4.0automated optical inspection (AOI)Intelligent machine visionOptical metrologyAutomated measurement.先進智慧型機器人光學精密量測模組開發與系統整合(3/3)