2018-06-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/652542摘要:朝鮮儒者李退溪(1501-1571)嫻熟漢文化,其學問主脈繼承朱子之學,有大量講論心性義理的書信文章。同時一生博雅多藝,也是十分優秀的詩人,熟習中國傳統詩人陶淵明、蘇軾等,並有豐富撰作,存詩二千餘首。漢詩既是退溪與諸多心靈導師溝通的媒介,提供他思考人生的參考架構,同時也是他感受境遇、解釋人生、傳述心得的重要形式。 退溪中年以後決志退休,先後於退溪兩岸與陶山之南經營書堂園林,與友生起居其間講學體道,同時寫作大量園林詩反映其講學和實踐情形。本計畫嘗試進行文學與思想的跨領域研究,運用空間詩學、文化地理學與理學思想來詮釋退溪園林詩作,探究他如何以文學的筆法再現理學思辨與體證境界,期能彰顯退溪園林書寫的深刻意蘊。 <br> Abstract: Yi Toegye(1501-1571) is a representative Korean Confucian. He practiced and developed Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi’s studies for his whole life. , At the time, he is an excellent poet, Familiar with traditional Chinese poets: Tao Yuanming, Su Shi, etc., writing more than 2,000 poems. Chinese poetry was the medium through which he communicated with many spiritual teachers, and was also an important form of expressing his experience and interpretation about life. At middle age, he decided to retire and built gardens on both sides of Huixi(退溪) and the south of Taoshan(陶山) for living and studying with his friends and students. He wrote a lot of Chinese poems in these gardens, and believed that poetry can truly depict a higher state of life. This project conducts cross-disciplinary research on literature and philosophy, trying to explain how his garden poetry reappears the realm of philosophical speculation and physical experience in the style of literature.李退溪詩歌園林朱熹儒學Yi ToegyepoetrygardenZhu XiNeo-Confucianism高等教育深耕計畫-核心研究群計畫【韓儒李退溪園林書寫的詩心與理境】