文學院: 中國文學研究所指導教授: 康韻梅蔡雅萍Tsai, Ya-pingYa-pingTsai2017-03-022018-05-292017-03-022018-05-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271624  歷來對於唐代小說的關注多集中在「傳奇」的文類和文本相關的主題研究之上。本論文則試圖以晚唐小說集《杜陽雜編》為研究主體,藉由地理博物小說傳統、奇寶異物與遠國異人之構設、政治書寫和歷史諷諭三個層次,深入辨析此書的寫作意涵。首先,於中國地理博物小說的源流之下,《杜陽雜編》在題材、體例和寫作意識上,表現出「因襲」與「創造」並存的特色,特別是對《洞冥記》、《拾遺記》等多部小說皆有所承繼,亦可與時代相近的《酉陽雜俎》互為參照。其次,在志怪書寫題材的拓展上,「奇寶異物」和「遠國異人」既為書中特別顯耀的主題,作者亦於其中投入諸多誇誕想像和浪漫情懷,可見晚唐小說涉異書寫下的時代氛圍。最後,如以政治和歷史的角度審視《杜陽雜編》,書中對於朱泚之亂、甘露之變等重大史事便詳加關注。同時,全書對祥瑞和災異的采錄,則側面映現此時政局的亂象。尤其作者對上位者、宦官、權臣等人物描寫,亦帶有褒貶諷諭的企圖。本文嘗試藉由上述三大面向,對《杜陽雜編》一書作較為完整性的研究。Tang Dynasty novels have been well known for Chuanqi since a long time ago, but the supernatural story collection also prevailed in Tang Dynasty. Thus, this thesis mainly focuses on a Tang Dynasty encyclopedic novel called Du Yang Za Bian. Through three aspects of research: history of Chinese novel, literary themes, and political allegory, this paper aims to give Du Yang Za Bian a comprehensive study. No matter in literary subjects, forms or writing consciousness, Du Yang Za Bian succeeds many Han Wei and Six-dynasty novels such as Shi Yi Ji, Dong Ming Ji, and so on. Besides, Tang novel You Yang Za Zu and Du Yang Za Bian also have many things in common. So this appearance can explain why Du Yang Za Bian is enough to be regarded as an encyclopedic novel. On the other side, Du Yang Za Bian still describes a variety of strange things from many distant countries. By writing uncommon things and people, the author presented his rich imagination and romantic perception under the big environment of Tang culture. However, Du Yang Za Bian is not only interested in supernatural things, but still concerned with history events. For example, this novel especially depicts political disorders, auspicious signs, and important figures in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, which show the author’s great attention to history and politics. In brief, this thesis attempts to find out the peculiar style of Du Yang Za Bian so that it could make a contribution of Tang story collection research.3139618 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/8/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)唐小說《杜陽雜編》《酉陽雜俎》地理博物政治諷諭奇寶異物Tang Dynasty novelsDu Yang Za Bianencyclopedic novelsYou Yang Za Zupolitical allegory《杜陽雜編》研究The Research of Du Yang Za Bianthesis10.6342/NTU201603304http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271624/1/ntu-105-R01121007-1.pdf