2016-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/691278摘要:我們計劃把希格斯物理作為我們在未來幾年研究的主軸。我們要增進我們對標準模型內的希格斯玻色子的了解,以及尋找各種具有擴展希格斯區部的新物理模型所預測的額外的希格斯玻色子。最終的目標是確定完整的希格斯位能,從而解開弱電對稱性破缺真正機制的奧秘。對於具體的新物理模型,我們將主要集中在雙希格斯二重子模型,希格斯三重子模型,和喬基埃-瑪哈切克模型,並將部分分析超越初階。我們將使用未來的LHC數據以前所未有的精度來約束它們的參數空間,並研究對特異希格斯玻色子搜尋以及在ILC的現象學等等的影響。沿著這個主題,我們也將研究在弱電強子創生中相變計算的規範依賴問題,並希望利用希格斯物理作為一扇門窗,藉以揭露具有新規範交互作用和暗物質候選粒子的隱藏區部之存在。<br> Abstract: We plan to take Higgs physics as the primary axis of our research in the next few years. We want to improve our knowledge about the Higgs boson within the SM and search for additional Higgs bosons predicted in various new physics models with an extended Higgs sector. The ultimate goal is to determine the complete Higgs potential, thereby demystifying the true mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking. For specific new physics models, we will mostly focus on the two-Higgs doublet model, the Higgs triplet model, and the Georgi-Machacek model and take some of the analyses beyond the leading order. We will use upcoming LHC data to constrain their parameter space at an unprecedented level, and study the implications for the exotic Higgs searches and for their phenomenology at the ILC, among others. Along the main theme, we will also study the the gauge dependence issue in the calculation of phase transition in electroweak baryogenesis, and hopefully use the Higgs as a portal to reveal the existence of a hidden sector with new gauge interactions and dark matter candidates.希格斯玻色子新物理弱電強子創生隱藏區部Higgs bosonnew physicselectroweak baryogenesishidden sector超越標準模型之希格斯粒子的研究(2/4)