臺灣大學: 建築與城鄉研究所陳亮全岸野俊介Kishino, ShunsukeShunsukeKishino2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249433 車站是隨著近代社會出現、隨著現代社會演變的建築空間。本來是公部門專用空間的車站,近年在車站再造的脈絡中出現不同趨勢。車站逐漸擺脫過去單調的機能性空間,傾向於變成具有特殊意象及多角機能的空間,尤其是許多車站透過車站再造的過程加強車站與地方政府、社區的關係,使得車站蛻變為代表該地、該社區的空間。本研究以兩個臺灣小型車站(竹田車站與大林車站)為例,基於社區營造與公共空間的討論、車站相關的過去研究、日本車站的情況及車站再造案例研究,將車站作為社區營造及地方發展的關鍵空間,以車站再造過程及其產生的軟體面、硬體面成果探討及分析車站再造的社區營造角色。再加上,釐清推動車站再造的要素,並提出撤站再造模式。 竹田車站再造從社區居民的舊車站建築保存運動開始,經過社區居民與地方政府的合作、車站為主的文化園區營造、由社區組織負責的車站管理營運等過程,產生軟體面與硬體面成果:軟體面成果是從車站再造展開的社區營造;硬體面成果是由社區使用及管理營運的車站空間之出現。大林車站再造從地方政府擬定的都市計畫開始,經過地方政府與臺鐵的合作、舊市區景觀美化、志工團體的清潔活動等過程,產生以車站為中心的舊市區活化之軟體面成果與車站機能、環境改善之硬體面成果。另一方面,這兩個案例指出,臺灣小型車站需要建立社區參與車站規劃及營運的社會系統。 透過竹田車站與大林車站不同類型的車站再造案例之比較檢討,本研究發現下列事項: (1) 若社區參與車站規劃及營運,車站再造成為社區營造的手段,其軟體面、硬體面成果將成為推動社區營造的要素。 (2) 地方歷史文化、車站規劃及營運的社區參與是促成推動車站再造的要因。 (3) 臺灣小型車站有必要建立車站規劃及營運的社區參與系統。 (4) 車站再造後續引發社區營造、綠色交通系統發展等更廣闊議題。Railway station is the architectural space which has appeared with the start of modern society and has changed with the change of it. Originally, station has been regarded as the space occupied by public sector, but nowadays, another tendency of station rebuilding is appeared. That is, station tends to change from space of single function in the past to space with particular image or multi-function. Especially, through station rebuilding, the relationship between station and local government or community has been strengthened, some stations are becoming space to represent their regions. This study researches two cases of Jhu-tian station and Da-lin station, local stations in Taiwan, and on the base of theories of community empowerment and public space, existing research about station, situation and case study of Japanese station, regards station as key space of community empowerment or regional development, analyzes process of station rebuilding and result of soft and hard side which station rebuilding brings, presents the role of station rebuilding for community empowerment. Moreover, this study induces factors which promote station rebuilding, and suggests model of station rebuilding. Rebuilding of Jhu-tian station has started from movement of conservation of old station building by local residents, and through some process such as collaboration between local residents and government, building of community space of which station plays a central part, station management by organization or NPO which are organized by local residents, has induced result of soft side such as deployment of community empowerment of which station plays a central part and result of hard side such as appearance of station space which local community can utilize. On the other hand, rebuilding of Da-lin station has started from urban planning by local government, and through some process such as collaboration between local government and Taiwan Railways Administration, landscape beautification of central town, cleaning activity by volunteer organizations, has induced result of soft side such as activation of central town of which station plays a central part and result of hard side such as improvement of station function and environment. These two cases reveal, in Taiwan, it is necessary to establish social system that local community can participate station planning and management. This study compares different types of station rebuilding (Jhu-tian station and Da-lin station), different cases of station rebuilding in Japan and Taiwan, and reaches following conclusions: (1) If local community can participate planning of station rebuilding and subsequent management of that station, station building can become means of community empowerment, and result of soft and hard side of it can become factors which induce community empowerment. (2) Factors which induce station rebuilding are local history and culture, participation of local community to planning of station rebuilding and subsequent management of that station. (3) Station rebuilding in Taiwan needs to establish social system that local community can participate planning of station rebuilding and subsequent management of that station. (4) Station rebuilding can expand to macro topics such as community empowerment or regeneration of public transportation system.8974117 bytesapplication/pdfen-US車站社區營造公共空間竹田車站大林車站railway stationcommunity empowermentpublic spaceJhu-tian stationDa-lin station[SDGs]SDG11鐵路車站再造的社區營造角色之探討-以臺灣竹田車站與大林車站為例A Study of the Role of Railway Station Rebuilding for Community Empowerment - Cases of Two Local Stations of Taiwan: Jhu-tian Station and Da-lin Stationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249433/1/ntu-101-R97544027-1.pdf