林清富2006-07-252018-07-052006-07-252018-07-052000-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/11192本研究探討鎖模技術及開發新的寬頻 半導體雷射材料,以提升鎖模半導體雷射 的特性。鎖模技術上,我們使用主動鎖模 和自我混成鎖模。主動鎖模上達到脈衝寬 度10-15ps,波長調變範圍達62 nm,而自 我混成鎖模可使用RF 調變,其頻率是雷射 腔頻率的一半。利用此技術,可在適當的 調變下使增益元件載子濃度達到透明濃度 以下,而倒轉為可飽和吸收體,不需要額 外使用一個可飽和吸收體,就可以同時產 生主動鎖模與被動鎖模的機制。利用自我 混成鎖模可以產生的脈衝寬度可以短至 2ps。在開發新材料方面,我們研製出 InGaAsP/InP 半導體光放大器,頻寬可接近 300nm。This project studies mode-locking techniques for semiconductor lasers and develops new semiconductor materials for better mode-locking performance. In the mode-locking techniques, we use active mode-locking technique for short-pulse generation and develop new technique, named self-hybrid mode-locking. Using active mode-locking technique, we achieve the generation of 10-15 ps short pulses with the tuning range of 62 nm. For self-hybrid technique, RF modulation at the subharmonic of pulse repetition frequency is used. By suitable biasing condition, the carrier density inside the gain media can be lower than transparency carrier density, and the gain medium will turn into a saturable absorber. Both active and passive mode-locking mechanisms operate in the same gain region without the necessity of additionally integrated absorbers. Self-hybrid modelocking can generate pulses as short as 2 ps. In the material development, we had fabricated semiconductor optical amplifiers with the bandwidth nearly 300 nm..application/pdf78357 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學光電工程學研究所自我混成鎖模鎖模半導體雷 射半導體光放大器Self-hybrid mode-lockingmodelockingsemiconductor lasersemiconductor optical amplifier半導體雷射之鎖模與載體動態Mode-Locking and Car r ier Dynamics of Semiconductor Laser sreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/11192/1/892112M002034.pdf